[comp.sys.next] NeXT in Europe: when and where ?

thschulz@iraul1.ira.uka.de (Thomas Schulz) (07/20/89)

Any hint in answering these questions is highly appreciated.
Will they found a European affiliate or work with a distributor ?


maeusle@pfm.UUCP (Markus Weiss) (07/22/89)

In article <935@iraun1.ira.uka.de> thschulz@iraul1.ira.uka.de (Thomas Schulz) writes:
>Any hint in answering these questions is highly appreciated.
>Will they found a European affiliate or work with a distributor ?
He is not the only one in "Good old Germany" who wants to know this.

Markus Weiss			uucp: uunet!mcvax!unido!pfm!maeusle
Barbarossastr. 18
D-7073 Lorch