(Bjorn Levidown) (08/08/89)
Help! I can't seem to su to root after logging in on my own account. I'm a member of the wheel group, just like the manual says. So why does the Cube keep on telling me I don't have privledges to su to root? Any and all help is appreciated. _______________________________________________________________________________ Bjorn Levidow | "I'm wet and I'm in pain Dept of Psychology | and I'm STILL hysterical!" University of Washington | (I think) | _______________________________________________________________________________
chris@ntvax.uucp (Chris Britton) (08/10/89)
In article <> bjornl@blake.UUCP (Bjorn Levidown) writes: >Help! > I can't seem to su to root after logging in on my own account. I'm >a member of the wheel group, just like the manual says. So why does the >Cube keep on telling me I don't have privledges to su to root? Any and >all help is appreciated. Are you running NetInfo? If so, simply editing "/etc/group" and adding your login to the "wheel" group won't work. Try logging in as "root" and running NetInfo. 1. Double click on "groups". 2. Double click on "wheel". 3. Click on "edit" in the NetInfo menu. 4. Click on "new" in the edit submenu. 5. Double click on the new entry that is created. (_edit_me_ I think) 6. Change that to match your login 7. Quit NetInfo. Hope this helps. -------- Chris Britton {attctc,iex,convex,utd,texsun}!ntvax!chris University of North Texas 817-565-2279 (08/15/89)
[SUing to root and netInfo] Can someone at NeXT please tell us the reasoning behind making the passwd and group files in the /etc directory nothing more than an unused text file? Shouldn't vipw have the ability to update your netInfo for you? Michael Rutman Softmed (Daniel James Zerkle) (08/16/89)
In article <> writes: >Can someone at NeXT please tell us the reasoning behind making the passwd >and group files in the /etc directory nothing more than an unused text file? >Shouldn't vipw have the ability to update your netInfo for you? They're not totally useless. You can use niload and nidump to move info between netinfo and the actual passwd and group files. vipw and passwd only affect the files in /etc, and must be followed by an niload to take effect. It would be very advisable to do an nidump beforehand, as well. These programs are like this because 0.9 is not a full public release. 1.0 will probably have something more intelligent. | Dan Zerkle home:(805) 968-4683 morning:961-2434 afternoon:687-0110 | | dz%cornu@ucsbuxa.bitnet ...ucbvax!hub!cornu!dz | | Snailmail: 6681 Berkshire Terrace #5, Isla Vista, CA 93117 | | Disclaimer: If it's wrong or stupid, pretend I didn't do it. |