[comp.sys.next] Program Availability

phd_ivo@gsbacd.uchicago.edu (08/21/89)

I just tried to obtain two of the programs listed in
NeXT's third party programs and products list. Matlab
has not been ported yet, due to communications problems
between NeXT and The Mathworks Inc. White Pine's terminal
emulation software has not been ported either.

On the good side, SAS claims it is working on a version
for the NeXT (due in about a year), and Absoft's Fortran
compiler is available, today! (Has anyone ported S?)

Would anyone know of a good VT102 emulator with Tektronix
emulation that runs on this thing (ala PC Kermit)? Is there
one in the works?

When is system 1.0 due? Does anybody have it already?

Please no flames. I realize that I have a beta-test system,
and I am very happy with it. Could be happier with more
software, though...
