[comp.sys.next] Can I change the default size of windows, and the default font?

fad@kulla (Franklin A Davis) (09/28/89)

I'd like the system to remember when I resize a terminal window, and
have it always come up big.

I'd also like to change the font size in a terminal window.  

Any way?  If so, where was this documented, so I don't waste the net's
time in the future?



  franklin a davis  Thinking Machines Corp. Cambridge, MA 02142   617-876-1111
  <fad@think.com>   {ames, harvard, mit-eddie, uunet}!think!fad 
				Let the four winds blow you safely home!

dayglow@csli.Stanford.EDU (Eric T. Ly) (09/28/89)

In article <30217@news.Think.COM>, fad@kulla (Franklin A Davis) writes:
> I'd like the system to remember when I resize a terminal window, and
> have it always come up big.
> I'd also like to change the font size in a terminal window.  
> Any way?  If so, where was this documented, so I don't waste the net's
> time in the future?

Yeah.  It's really easy and documented.  (Please search for Terminal in
Digital Librarian; I don't know exactly where it is.)  Under 1.0, you can
set the font using "dwrite Terminal NXFixedPitchFont <font name>" and the
size using "dwrite Terminal NXFixedPitchFontSize <font name>".  I haven't
done it, but I know that you can also preset the columns and lines that
Terminal uses by default.  Do a "strings" on the Terminal App to see ALL the
(documented and undocumented) defaults you can set.

These changes only take place for subsequent Terminals that you bring up.

						Eric Ly
						CSLI, Stanford University

mmeyer@next.com (Morris Meyer) (09/29/89)

In article <30217@news.Think.COM> fad@think.com (Franklin A Davis) writes:
>I'd like the system to remember when I resize a terminal window, and
>have it always come up big.
>I'd also like to change the font size in a terminal window.  
To change the font:
csh % dwrite Terminal NXFixedPitchFont Courier

To change the font size:
csh % dwrite Terminal NXFixedPitchFontSize 14

To change the number of lines:
csh % dwrite Terminal Lines 40

To change to number of columns:
csh % dwrite Terminal Columns 132

>Any way?  If so, where was this documented, so I don't waste the net's
>time in the future?
Go to the browser and open
or search for Terminal in DL.

Hope this helps.


Morris Meyer		NeXT, Inc.
Software Engineer	3475 Deer Creek Road
NeXT OS Group		Palo Alto, CA   94304
mmeyer@next.com		415-780-4683