[comp.sys.next] NeXT archives updated for Release 1.0

gerrit@j.cc.purdue.edu (Gerrit Huizenga) (10/25/89)

I just finished cleaning up the NeXT archives on cc.purdue.edu a bit.
I've added a couple of new things, one of which is GNU bash 1.03 as
ported to the NeXT by Jacob Gore.  Another is a slightly newer version
of Tools with an autostart feature in the conf file.  (Xpostit style
support is next if I ever find the time).  Several ps/eps/tiff/pbm
converters were added.  I still need to add the archives of this group
for the past two months - look for that sometime early in November.
Also, there are some relevent notes on porting a couple of programs in
the docs directory.

I have a couple of submissions pending - one is a set of course materials
on the NeXT Music Kit, another is a set of classes to support graph
construction (i.e. vertices and edges), and maybe the latest copy of
the Lunar Lander program.

If you have something you would like to add to the archives, send it
to 'next-archive@cc.purdue.edu', or if it is too large, send a note to
that address and we can arrange another method of getting it put in
the archives.

I've enclosed the current INDEX file from the archive below which is
up to date for a change.

Gerrit Huizenga
Moderator, NeXT archives
Purdue University Computing Center

INDEX		A Current index of files
ARCHIVES	A Other Archives
README		A Most current information about this archive
docs		D Directory containing documentation
news		D Directory containing archives of comp.sys.next
patches		D Directory containing patches to existing programs
source		D Directory containing sources related to current release
0.9source	D Directory containing sources related to 0.9 release
0.8source	D Directory containing sources related to 0.8 release

docs/NX_DEVEL_4_89.wn B NX_DEVELOPER_Aprile_89.wn from Ali Ozer
docs/0.9.wn	B Some hints on converting from 0.8 to 0.9
docs/0.9_upgrade.wn	B Some hints on converting from 0.8 to 0.9 from umd
docs/nntp.1.5	A How to get NNTP 1.5 up and running
docs/notes1.7	A How to get UIUC Notes 1.7 up and running

patches/dvips.tar.Z B Make dvips output conforming Encapsulated PostScript
patches/franz.docs	A Make Franz Lisp docs work in Librarian

source/MOTD.tar.Z	B Display Message of the Day in Window Environment
source/NLoad.tar.Z	B Graphical Load Average
source/RecordApp.tar.Z	B DSP Record program with source
source/SoundAndLight.tar.Z B
source/Tools.tar.Z	B Configurable commands via menus, autostart feature
source/Unknown.tar.Z	B Display nifty icons for more programs
source/bash-1.03.tar.Z	B GNU Born-again Shell
source/pbmtoeps.c	A Convert pbm to eps
source/pbmtotiff.tar.Z	B Convert pbm to tiff
source/pstools		A Postscript tools
source/tifftoeps	A Convert TIFF files to EPS
source/wn2ascii.shar	A Convert WriteNow files to boring ASCII

0.9source/LockScreen-2.0.tar.Z B Lock Window environment (only under 0.9)
0.9source/Pseudo.tar.Z	B Start commands with command line args
0.9source/fsectbyname.tar.Z B Look at and change Mach segments
0.9source/macsnd.tar.Z	B Play Mac sound files

0.8source/Draw.tar.Z	B Drawing Lab from NeXT developers course
0.8source/Lab1.tar.Z	B Calculator Lab from NeXT developers course
0.8source/Lab2.tar.Z	B Composite Lab from NeXT developers course
0.8source/Lab3.tar.Z	B Text Lab from NeXT developers course
0.8source/Lab4.tar.Z	B BreakApp (Breakout-like App) Lab from NeXT developers course
0.8source/PaintLab.tar.Z	B Paint Lab from NeXT developers course
0.8source/Speaker.tar.Z	B Speaker/Listener Lab from NeXT developers course
0.8source/Spiro.tar.Z	B Spirograph program
0.8source/bright.tar.Z	B change the screen brightness
0.8source/logctrl.tar.Z	B execute a .logout script after exiting the Workspace manager
0.8source/lunar.tar.Z	B lunar lander game - demonstration of PostScript, IB
0.8source/mountod.c	A Simple program to mount/unmount an od
0.8source/yap.tar.Z	B 8.5x11" multi-page postscript previewer mods for Yap
0.8source/Cyberlink.tar.Z B Button-launch preset programs + arguments
0.8source/award.tar.Z	B Generate an award certificate to print