[comp.sys.next] How do you fake out "autodiskmount" ? Clarification.

sahayman@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (Steve Hayman) (10/25/89)

I want to add one thing to my question about how do I stick in a
disk so that automount won't try to mount it.  A few people have
suggested doing my own "mount /dev/od0a /my/mount/point" command
before inserting the disk.  This keeps autodiskmount from taking
over (as desired), but it has the side-effect of putting up a
dialog box on the screen

	Please insert new disk for volume 0
	(press 'n' key if disk is not available)

and I would like to be able to mount my own disk without disturbing
whoever is using the workstation at the time.  Is there some way
you can do a nice quiet "mount" without interrupting the screen with
this message?

Incidentally, what I'm trying to set up is an archive scheme, so that
people using our Vax or other machines can each have their own personal
archive optical disk.  The idea is that they can run some command
on the Vax, walk over to the nearest NeXT and pop in their own disk without
disturbing whoever may be using the machine, and a simple script will
mount the NeXT's optical and make it available via NFS on the Vax
in the user's home directory.  I think this could solve a lot of our
disk storage problems by giving every user their own 256Mb removable
file system, and I have it mostly working already, except
for this minor mount annoyance.

Thanks to the people who answered so quickly.  the net is a useful resource.


Steve Hayman    Workstation Manager    Computer Science Department   Indiana U.
sahayman@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu                                    (812) 855-6984