[comp.sys.next] NuBus Development

mnkonar@manyjars.SRC.Honeywell.COM (Murat N. Konar) (10/31/89)

Help us out.  We want to develop some custom
NuBus cards to run in a CuBE.  I've heard that
NeXT was going develop some NuBus chips for 
interfacing to their CMOS 25MHz NuBus.  Any news
on this?  Also, how easy is it to program for
NuBus cards on the CuBE?  

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
Have a day. :^|
Murat N. Konar        Honeywell Systems & Research Center, Camden, MN
mnkonar@SRC.honeywell.com (internet) {umn-cs,ems,bthpyd}!srcsip!mnkonar(UUCP)