[comp.sys.next] Bug in Workspace/Browser

gil@daffy.gatech.edu (Gil Neiger) (12/05/89)

There seems to be a bug in the name expansion facilty of the
Directory Browser supplied by Workspace.  The bug involves the
parsing of path names with two consecutive slashes in them.

For example, suppose that the following is a legal path on my


If I type the following to my browser for name expansion
(with no carriage return)


it correctly responds with the path


(i.e., it knows to parse the double slash to a single one).  However,
if I then hit return, Workspace kills all my applications and logs
me out.

I don't feel that the browser must correctly parse redundant slashes
(it was a typo), but I don't think killing all applications and
logging out the user is an appropriate response.

					- Gil Neiger

jsb@panix.UUCP (J. S. B'ach) (12/08/89)

In article <19360@mephisto.UUCP> gil@daffy.gatech.edu (Gil Neiger) writes:
)There seems to be a bug in the name expansion facilty of the
)Directory Browser supplied by Workspace.  The bug involves the
)parsing of path names with two consecutive slashes in them.

Unless Mach changed this, namei in the Version 6 unix kernel had the "feature"
of ignoring extra slashes.  Anyhow, I've tried it in several variations with
and without filec set and it works fine for me.  Has anyone else been able to
duplicaate this bug?

    rutgers!cmcl2!panix!jsb  (or, if you want the mail to get there, uunet!actnyc!jsb)
"I have discovered a truly remarkable proof of this which, unfortunately, a four line
 .signature file is unable to contain."