[comp.sys.next] Kermit Question

nevai@function.mps.ohio-state.edu (Paul Nevai) (12/14/89)

I have Kermit installed on my cube and also on the dept SUN.
If I dial into our SUN (via modem) and then telnet or rlogin into
the cube then kermit works fine between my mac and the cube.
If I directly dial into the cube then kermit doesn't work.
mac => sun     kermit  ok
mac => cube => sun then kermit doesn't work again between sun and mac.
Do I have to set something special?
Please advise me by email.

Thanks a 10^6.

Paul Nevai                            nevai@mps.ohio-state.edu (Internet)
Department of Mathematics             nevai@ohstpy (BITNET)
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