(Charles L. Perkins) (01/17/90)
(I hope NeXT is not upset about sending out this information...I believe it is A.O.K. to do so, but...) I just received a bunch of developer information sent out in the last few days. Among the interesting items discussed: (1) A new "release" of 1.0 (really just a bug fix, internally called 1.0a) is shipping with all new systems. It fixes the (previously mentioned in this group) bugs causing corruption of /sdmach and memory leakage (seen in yellow pages and maybe in recently mentioned lookupd bug?). It also fixes a problem with NetBooted cubes being unable to use the local printer, and hacks npd/Netinfo a bit. It is ABSOLUTELY identical to all but the strangest applications (or so they strongly imply). (2) A reminder of lower memory prices and the $500 off the hard drive machine. They also included a new and improved Price List (nothing that hasn't been said here), and a bug fix procedure for the /sdmach problem (which is the same one that was discussed here earlier). (3) Communicae, a snazzy terminal emulator for DEC VT-XXX (100/220/...) and Tektronix terminal-like-things (401X) is available for $395 from Active Ingredients in Cambridge, MA [It hadn't made it into the 3rd Party book]. I believe someone posted recently looking for one of these... (4) A new 3rd Party hardware and software catalog is planned for ~late March. (5) 1.0 Prelimary TechDoc is being mailed ("this month") and can also be purchased even as we speak. Chap. 14 has been expanded and updated. (6) NeXT is hoping to set up E-mail (NeXTy E-mail with attachments) links to developers on the Net to provide faster support, distribution, help, etc. (this sounds like a GREAT idea). On the personal side, I just received my very first NeXT attachment from the outside world. I pulled it in using tip, shoved it into /usr/spool/mail, started up the and VIOLA! I was able to double click on a folder to get to 3 new Apps all ready to run (binary conversion to/from ASCII is automatic). Pretty neat! (BTW, this guy was someone I trusted, Viruses are everywhere, so use sources or beware!!). Anyway, I thought everyone would want to hear the latest news. Charles