[comp.sys.next] Sick Cube

pvo3366@sapphire.OCE.ORST.EDU (Paul O'Neill) (02/01/90)

	------>   8MB memory	NeXT_1.0a	hard disk    <------

About 24 hrs ago our cube started exibiting the following strange behavior:

Load average ~2 when idle.
100% CPU utilization all the time.
Going thru processes like crazy (up to pid 3000 1 minute after reboot!).
init using ~33% of CPU time.
Lots of <defunct> processes.
Way too many System Calls.
Way too many Calls to Trap.
Way too many Address Faults.

I tried the following: (all to no avail)

Power down.
Boot from distribution optical.
Boot from distribution optical with net disconnected.
Disconnect SCSI disk and boot from optical.
Disconnect optical disk and boot from SCSI.

Any ideas or previous experience with this problem?

It runs fine, just slow.  And I'm very worried about it.


Paul O'Neill                 pvo@oce.orst.edu
Coastal Imaging Lab
Corvallis, OR  97331         503-754-3251

pvo3366@sapphire.OCE.ORST.EDU (Paul O'Neill) (02/02/90)

Cube is Well.  SA is embarrassed.

In enabling rsh's for root I changed /etc/ttys:
ttyp0   none                            network

ttyp0   none                            network         on secure

when it should have been:
ttyp0   none                            network         secure

I think init was going crazy trying to spawn 'none' on ttyp0.

"The most innocent looking hack can blow you head clean off."--Ron Hitchens

Paul O'Neill                 pvo@oce.orst.edu
Coastal Imaging Lab
Corvallis, OR  97331         503-754-3251

schwrtzn@csd2.NYU.EDU (Naftali Schwartz) (02/02/90)

>/* csd2:comp.sys.next / pvo3366@sapphire.OCE.ORST.EDU (Paul O'Neill) /  7:51 pm  Feb  1, 1990 */ writes:
>Cube is Well.  SA is embarrassed.
>In enabling rsh's for root I changed /etc/ttys:

But why didn't rebooting from the distribution optical solve the problem?

Naftali Schwartz
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
New York University
New York, NY  10012				(212) 998-3144
Relay-Version: version nyu B notes v1.6 9/18/89; site acf4.NYU.EDU
From: chitrao@csd2.NYU.EDU (Mahesh Chitrao)
Date: 4 Feb 90 14:28 EST
Date-Received: 4 Feb 90 14:28 EST
Subject: Re: Choosing a portable CD player
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 >> I had one for 2 years with no problems and about 6-7 thousand hours
 >> of play time into it before I sold it.

You mean to say that you spent almost all of your WAKING TIME listening
to this player ? :-)

Mahesh Chitrao
Courant Institute
715 B'way
NYC, NY 10003Relay-Version: version nyu B notes v1.6 9/18/89; site acf4.NYU.EDU
From: zhong@csd2.NYU.EDU (Sifen Zhong)
Date: 3 Feb 90 14:40 EST
Date-Received: 3 Feb 90 14:40 EST
Subject: Re: Simplified characters
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References: <9002021344.AA12969@yangtze.bu.edu>

/* csd2:soc.culture.china / lix@BUCRSB.BU.EDU /  8:44 am  Feb  2, 1990 */
In artical <1990Feb1.085605.759@athena.mit.edu>, Wang wrote:

>The third list was published in the era of the "Wise Leader Chairman Hua".
>This list was not accepted by most of Chinese -- if any, and then abandoned
	Can you show your statistics?

Zhong Sifen

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