[comp.sys.next] A piano! A piano! My kindgom for a piano!

bskendig@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Brian Kendig) (02/20/90)

... well, if I *had* a kingdom, I'd offer it...

I'm trying to synthesize a decent piano sound with the MusicKit, and
not getting very far.  Now I *know* that someone out in NetLand MUST
have done this before, so would he or she please send me some sample
code or (at the very least) give me a few pointers?

Pointers, pointers... geez.  I've been programming this cube too long.

Thanks for any help (with the piano synthesis; I think I'm beyond help
where programming is concerned).

     << Brian >>

P. T.: If anyone also has any Real Neat code to synthesize other
instruments or neat sounds, I'd be interested in seeing that, too...
| Brian S. Kendig      \ Macintosh |   Engineering,   | bskendig             |
| Computer Engineering |\ Thought  |  USS Enterprise  | @phoenix.Princeton.EDU
| Princeton University |_\ Police  | -= NCC-1701-D =- | @PUCC.BITNET         |
|   Systems Engineering, NASA Space Station Freedom / General Electric WP3   |

wb1j+@andrew.cmu.edu (William M. Bumgarner) (02/20/90)

An interesting thought;  Why bother synthing the piano?  What if you
hooked up one of those neat boxes with a full piano keyboard sampled
at 127 velocities/note to the cube and then used a A/D box on the DSP
port to grab all that sound?

Once in the machine, it shouldn't be to difficult to put together a
MIDI driver that could grab the right note @right velocity and play
it.  The only question is can the sample be moved to the DSP fast
enough?  (what method is used to jam the sound from ROM to DSP in
those boxes?)

b.bumgarner            | Disclaimer:  All opinions expressed are my own.
wb1j+@andrew.cmu.edu   | I officially don't represent anyone unless I
NeXT Campus Consultant | explicity say I am doing so.  So there.  <Thpppt!>
"I ride tandem with the random/Things don't run the way I planned them..."