[comp.sys.next] mandelbrot.top file for Topology.app

lane@sumex-aim.stanford.edu (Christopher Lane) (03/03/90)

I've FTP'd a 'Topology.app' custom surface data file, mandelbrot.top.Z, to the
submissions directory of the cs.orst.edu NeXT archive.

This *.top file is (obviously) the Mandelbrot set rendered as a surface
(instead of the usual color representation) where the X axis is the real
component, the Y axis the imaginary and the Z axis the (logarithm of) the
number of iterations used to determine whether the point was in the Mandelbrot
set.  Points (believed to be) in the set form a plateau and near misses create
a mountain-like effect.

You can load it into Topology.app using the 'Custom' option.  You might want
to set x, y and z rotation angles to zero the first time you render it to
convince yourself that it is in fact a Mandelbrot set.  Then raise the x just
a bit (eg. 0.34) to start to see the depths.  The wireframe rendering also
looks nice at some angles.

If anyone comes up with any particularly good settings for the 'Rotation
Angles', 'Light Source Direction' and other knobs for this data set, do let me
know.  If anyone cares enough about this to want the source code that
generated the *.top file, I'll gladly make it available as well.

- Christopher