[comp.sys.next] Neuralnets on NeXT using DSP

moses@daimi.dk (Martin Olsen) (03/07/90)

  Hi !

  I'm a computerscience-student writing a master thesis on neural networks. Right
now I'm trying to write a neural network simulator on the NeXT machine. I have 
two questions:

  Have any of you guys implemented such a simulator on the NeXT?

  Have anybody out there written some C-code performing matrix multiplication on
  the DSP with arbitrary floats, ie. code taking into account that the DSP only
  operates on numbers in the interval ]-1,1[ and proccessing the input with this
  in mind?

  Please e-mail answers. I will appreciate any help.


                                                     Martin Olsen
                                               Computerscience Department
                                                  University of Aarhus
                                                 E-mail:  moses@daimi.dk