[comp.sys.next] kanji software for NeXT

mrc@Tomobiki-Cho.CAC.Washington.EDU (Mark Crispin) (03/10/90)

I have gotten kterm and kanjips working on the NeXT.  kterm is a kanji
(Japanese character set) terminal emulator which runs under X; kanjips
is a set of software allowing you to print kanji files on the NeXT

Everything builds in a more or less straightforward manner.  The
biggest hurdle in getting kterm running is recognizing that the
bdftosnf program builds incorrectly on the NeXT.  When building the
various .snf forms of kanji fonts, you must give a -p4 switch to
bdftosnf on the NeXT, otherwise you'll get unusable fonts.  For
	bnftosnf -p4 k14.bdf > k14.snf

The significant instructions for the kanjips configuration dialog are
in Japanese.  Fortunately, most people with better than a 1st year
understanding of kanji should have no problem reading it.  You should
create /usr/local/font and link the jis24 font into it before starting
the configure.

I haven't yet gotten skk or nemacs built; skk requires nemacs and
nemacs requires emacs sources.  Alas, this is strictly a fun project
and I have to do some "real" work too, so someone else will have to
take it on from here...

Kudos to MIT for creating X on the NeXT, and Craig Rice at St. Olaf
College for getting the kterm sources together.
 _____     ____ ---+---   /-\   Mark Crispin           Atheist & Proud
 _|_|_  _|_ ||  ___|__   /  /   6158 Lariat Loop NE    R90/6 pilot
|_|_|_| /|\-++- |=====| /  /    Bainbridge Island, WA  "Gaijin! Gaijin!"
 --|--   | |||| |_____|   / \   USA  98110-2098        "Gaijin ha doko ka?"
  /|\    | |/\| _______  /   \  +1 (206) 842-2385      "Niichan ha gaijin."
 / | \   | |__| /     \ /     \ mrc@CAC.Washington.EDU "Chigau. Gaijin ja nai.
kisha no kisha ga kisha de kisha-shita                  Omae ha gaijin darou."
sumomo mo momo, momo mo momo, momo ni mo iroiro aru    "Iie, boku ha nihonjin."
uraniwa ni wa niwa, niwa ni wa niwa niwatori ga iru    "Souka. Yappari gaijin!"