[comp.sys.next] Remote execution from a Sun.

datthro@daimi.dk (Thomas Rohde) (03/15/90)

	I have written a small program that does some PostScript imaging,
	and writes the output to a TIFF-file. The program works fine, but
	when I run it remote (rlogin or rsh) from a Sun, the program stops
	with the message:

		DPS client library error: Could not form connection, host local host

	I've tried using the option NXHost, but that doesn't work either.
	I suspect that you can only run remote from an other NeXT machine?

	Any help will be appreciayed.


aisl@uhura.cc.rochester.edu (Lawrence Landry) (03/16/90)

In article <5696@daimi.dk> datthro@daimi.dk (Thomas Rohde) writes:
>  I have written a small program that does some PostScript imaging,
>  and writes the output to a TIFF-file. The program works fine, but
>  when I run it remote (rlogin or rsh) from a Sun, the program stops
>  with the message:
>	  DPS client library error: Could not form connection, host local host
>  I've tried using the option NXHost, but that doesn't work either.
>  I suspect that you can only run remote from an other NeXT machine?

The NXHost options simply tells one NeXT machine to display the results
on the NeXTstep environment running on another machine.  The message that you
got was telling you that the NeXT could not connect to a NeXTstep environment
on the host that you specified.

If you were specifying the SUN as the NXHost, this makes perfect sense.  It
doesn't run NeXTstep.  If your application really doesn't display any data on
the screen but simply uses some of the tools and automatically quits, set
the NXHost to the NeXT computer.  That should work.  It will probably also
display the application icon on the NeXT computer while the program is
executing.  Not a big issue but it could sure confuse a student who is sitting
down at the NeXT for the first time why this icon keeps appearing.

Larry Landry
University of Rochester