[comp.sys.next] find bug

robertl@bucsf.bu.edu (Robert La Ferla) (04/11/90)

In article <90100.170123CMH117@psuvm.psu.edu> CMH117@psuvm.psu.edu (Charles Hannum) writes:

[lines deleted]

>      foreach d (`find / -name ".NeXTtrash" -type d -print`)
>	 rm -r $d/*
>      end
>   (Note:  You'll want to redirect stderr when you do this!!)

Has anyone mentioned the bug in find yet?  The error message for a
non-accessible directory/file is missing a new line so the multiple errors
get printed on the same line.  Very hard to read and bad for shell scripts
that may want to cull through this information.  So, NeXT, did you find the
bug in find?  Couldn't resist.

  /  \      /         __/_
 /___/ __  /_  __  __  /	INTERNET:	robertl@bucsf.bu.edu
/ \   '_' /_/ |_- / ' /		BITNET:		mete0pc@buacca.bu.edu