[comp.sys.next] New: Emacs and YapDiffs

jgm@fed.expres.cs.cmu.edu (John G. Myers) (04/14/90)

I have just submitted two new programs to the NeXT archives on
cc.purdue.edu: Emacs 1.0 and YapDiffs.

patches/YapDiffs.tar.Z adds an "Error messages" window to the Yap
application which shows the error message and the contents of the
operand stack when a "previewed" file generates a message.

source/Emacs1.0.tar.Z is my NeXTStep front-end to GNU Emacs.  It has
several advantages over running GNU emacs inside Terminal.  The
"Alternate" key works as a meta key (as God intended it to be :-).
The "Cut" and "Copy" menu commands send the region to the pasteboard.
The "Paste" menu command sends the pasteboard to the current buffer
and the "Undo" menu command works as expected.  Mouse clicks are
interpreted in a reasonable manner (see lisp/eterm-fns.el for
details).  If that weren't enough, it also comes with a cutesy icon.

_.John G. Myers		Internet: jgm@fed.expres.cs.cmu.edu
(412) 268-2984		LoseNet:  ...!seismo!ihnp4!wiscvm.wisc.edu!give!up
"It's not bogus, It's an IBM standard" --Esther Filderman