[comp.sys.next] NetInfo and sendmail queries

phd_ivo@gsbacd.uchicago.edu (05/05/90)

I recently bought an external Wren V harddisk for my NeXT
computer, and all in all, it was a pleasant experience getting it
reformatted (with Ron Anthony and Axel ??? low-level formatter),
creating a disktab entry and mounting it. (I have 2 now: my
internal 330MB and an external 608MB one.) If you intend
to do this, and get stuck, let me know.

I do have 2 problems, though:
	(1) I would like to mount the disk /dev/sd1a on
	/Users. I have no problems doing this by hand,
	but I can't get it done on bootup time. I've tried
	modifying fstab, and loading it into NetInfo, but
	it doesn't mount. Did I forget something?

	The reason I want this at boot time is because
	I want to export (via NFS) the /Users directory
	to another machine. exportfs appears to run at
	boot-time, and complains that it can't find /Users.

	(2) I screwed up my sendmail.cf, and no matter
	what I do, it can send mail to anything in my host
	table---except agsm.ucla.edu (I am next.agsm.ucla.edu.)
	Even the abbreviations for agsm.ucla.edu work, just
	not the name itself. Moreover, it doesn't even seem
	to go out of my NeXT. Is there some way that I could
	have screwed up the mailer so that it comes back
	with the "user@agsm.ucla.edu unknown" message
	(even before biff tells me that it has returned the

Help appreciated.

/ivo welch		ivo@next.agsm.ucla.edu