Folks: Many of you have mentioned that some cubes have not one bottom vent but two. Also, some cubes seem to have the fan reversed (reversed is of course a matter of perspective). As is turns out NeXT has in fact re-designed the cube. There are a variety of reasons for which they did this. Unfortunately this will effect the type of dust filters that you may need for your cube. Please note that the Buzzings #5 article is out-of-date. As soon as I finish gathering all the facts I will post a summary and a full story in Buzzings, hopefully by May 13. Thus far I have seen the following configurations: 1) one vent at bottom, fan blows out. 2) two vents at bottom, fan blows out. 3) two vents at bottom, fan blows in. If you have a different configuration than the above (done by NeXT, not yourself) please let me know. When ordering a dust filters, please be sure to mention your configuration. On another note, the shareware mentioned in Buzzings #5 will be avalible by May 14. Some people actually have it already, but we are reluctant to upload them to the archives. We may opt to release the alpha versions. I will take requests for direct mailing of particular programs. Please mail questions to: