[comp.sys.next] Backing up our Next across network

pvo@sapphire.OCE.ORST.EDU (Paul O'Neill) (05/31/90)

In article <61300025@m.cs.uiuc.edu> schwager@m.cs.uiuc.edu writes:
>We're trying to dump our Next across the network to a Sun-3 machine with
>and Exabyte 8mm video tape drive.  However, we seem unable to get it to
>work.  Has anyone had any success with this, ....
>...........   The man pages say that rdump will only work
>to another Next, ..............

Did you try rdump?  Works fine, EXCEPT on multi-tape dumps, where there
are two problems:

1)	rdump doesn't wait for the 2nd tape to be loaded.  Hence, the
	end of the first tape contains the start of tape2 which runs
	into physical EOT without a double EOF written on the tape.

	This is sure to lock up your tape drive if you ever read
	this tape into the EOT.

2)	After the write error when hitting EOT, loading a new tape on
	on the remote tape server works as expected UNTIL you try to
	restore from this tape and get the message: "Not a dump tape".
	Don't panic.  For some reason rdump started the 2nd (and any
	subsequent tapes) with an EOF!  So, tapes 2,3,... start out with
	an empty file before the dump file.  Do an `mt fsf 1' before
	restoring from them.

This is the command I use to back up to a Sun-3's 9-track mag tape:

	rdump 0udsf 6250 2300 backup@sunset:/dev/nrmt8

The account backup must exist and have a .rhosts' entry for root@yourNeXT.

Paul O'Neill                 pvo@oce.orst.edu		DoD 000006
Coastal Imaging Lab
Corvallis, OR  97331         503-737-3251