[comp.sys.next] IB wierdness from LISP

stuart@previous.ADS.COM (Stuart Crawford) (06/15/90)

The LISP application I am building makes use of multiple nib files.
In order to make use of one of these files, I do the following:

(def-objc-class-method (new NodeContents :id) ()
  "Create a new NodeContents"
  (let ((self (send-super "new")))	
    (send NXApp "loadNibFile=owner=" "/users/stuart/nodeContents.nib" self)

This works just fine.  Every time I do a (send NodeContents "new"), I
get a brand new window.  What puzzles me, though, is the fact that I
must use "loadNibFile" instead of "loadNibSection" as one would when
using objective-C directly.  When I try using "loadNibSection" the nib
file does not get loaded.

A related question relates to calling NextStep functions from LISP.  I
have no difficulty sending messages to objective-C classes from LISP,
but I can't figure out how to access the NextStep C functions.  Simply
doing something like (NXRunAlertPanel ...) doesn't work.  Neither does
it help if I do a (defforeign 'NXAlertPanel ...) first.

