The June release of NextAnswers, NeXT Technical Support's collection of question/answer pairs, is now available by anonymous ftp from the Internet archive servers. NextAnswers is a collection of answers to commonly asked technical questions about the NeXT Computer System. The topics covered include system administration, programming, and NeXT applications. When incorporated into Digital Librarian, NextAnswers will supplement the existing on-line and printed documentation, further helping you to understand and apply the power of the NeXT Computer. We recommend that you obtain the new release of NextAnswers and have it installed on the NeXT computers at your site. Note that the June release of NextAnswers is a replacement for the May release, not just a supplement to it. You can obtain the June NextAnswers via anonymous ftp (file transfer protocol) from one of the following Internet archive servers: ________________________________________________________ hostname IP address directory ________________________________________________________ pub/next/docs pub/next/documents/NextAnswers NeXT/NextAnswers public/NeXT/docs Make sure you have about two megabytes of free space on your disk, then su to root in a Shell and type the following: mkdirs /LocalLibrary/NextAnswers cd /LocalLibrary/NextAnswers ftp hostname-or-IP-address [see table above] [Login:] anonymous [enter your own login name as the password] ftp> cd directory [see table above for the directory name] ftp> binary ftp> get NextAnswers_June_90.tar.Z ftp> quit zcat NextAnswers_June_90.tar.Z | tar -xvf - This will create a subdirectory of /LocalLibrary/NextAnswers called June_90. Inside June_90 will be a WriteNow file called INSTALL.wn that contains complete instructions on how to finish the installation. We believe you'll find NextAnswers an invaluable source of information! If you have any problems installing it, contact NeXT Technical Support.