[comp.sys.next] Two NextStep questions

brown@csd.uwo.ca (Mike Brown) (07/04/90)

Question 1:
    Why is the left-hand column in my Save Panel blank? 

    I use the following code to pop up a Save Panel:

    idSavePanel = [ SavePanel new ];
    [ idSavePanel setDirectory: getenv("HOME") ];
    [ idSavePanel setRequiredFileType: "snd" ];
    if ( [ idSavePanel runModal ] == 1 )

   etc.  My home directory is /home/brown, and the left-hand (home) column
is blank (but titled "home").  The right-hand column ("brown") is fine.
Other apps Save Panels have the left-hand column filled with all the right 
files.  What do I need to do to get this to look right?

Question 2:

    Why does the Return-key equivalent on my OK button go away?  

    I have a small panel which contains a one-line text field, a Cancel button
and an OK button.  I dragged the Return-key equivalent icon ( <=| ) onto the
OK button.  When this panel comes up, I can hit the return key and the OK
button acts like I clicked on it.  Fine.  Problem is that I have to type a 
name into the text field.  I have to click in the text field to have characters
show up.  As soon as I click in the text field, I've lost the Return-key
equivalent ability, even if the mouse pointer is out of the text field or if
I click somewhere outside the text field.  All text in the field is selected
and highlighted.  How do I get the Return-key to stick to the OK button?

Thanks for any pointers.

Mike Brown, Gradual Student in Computer Science, University of Western Ontario

               ..then the bartender says "That's not a duck!".  
                             (Wait for laughter) 
              "Four score and seven years ago ..."  (G. Larsen)