[comp.sys.next] MacWeek was: No color this fall?

gene@dept.csci.unt.edu (Gene De Lisa) (07/02/90)

In article <SMITHW.90Jun28123728@mathnx.mathnx.byu.edu> smithw@mathnx.byu.edu (William V. Smith) writes:
>I noticed the following in the June 26 MacWEEK: (quoted without

[MacWEEK foo deleted]

You are really going to believe what a Mac publication says about NeXT?
You probably bought the one about No New Taxes.

Gene De Lisa

"Ducking for apples--change one letter and it's the story of my life"
Dorothy Parker(1893-1967) (spoken at a halloween party)

gft_robert@gsbacd.uchicago.edu (07/03/90)

In article <1990Jul2.111550.9275@dept.csci.unt.edu>, gene@dept.csci.unt.edu (Gene De Lisa) writes...
>In article <SMITHW.90Jun28123728@mathnx.mathnx.byu.edu> smithw@mathnx.byu.edu (William V. Smith) writes:
>>I noticed the following in the June 26 MacWEEK: (quoted without
>[MacWEEK foo deleted]
>You are really going to believe what a Mac publication says about NeXT?
>You probably bought the one about No New Taxes.

Gee, isn't MacWeek the one that also publishes (or at least published) the
"NextWeek" supplements, full of glowing assessments of the cube?  

By the same logic, one should never listen to anything a Next fan has to say
about the Mac.  I know I never do.  :->


= gft_robert@gsbacd.uchicago.edu * generic disclaimer: * "It's more fun to =
=            		         * all my opinions are *  compute"         =
=                                * mine                *  -Kraftwerk       =

eb1z+@andrew.cmu.edu (Edward Joseph Bennett) (07/14/90)

>You are really going to believe what a Mac publication says about NeXT?
>Gene De Lisa

Most people don't believe MacWeek Rumors about the Mac.
