[comp.sys.next] The NeXT as a Passive Solar Collector

joe@oregon.uoregon.edu (07/16/90)

Due to the recent (rare) appearance of the summer sun here in generally
damp and moldy Oregon, I happened to notice that Steve Job's flat 
black color scheme would do credit to the average passive solar
collection system: specifically, direct sunlight rapidly increases the
temperature of a NeXT monitor sitting on one's desktop.

While temperatures don't seem to build to levels too hot too comfortably
touch, the phenomenon does serve to illustrate one advantage of IBM 
"putty grey" cases.

Does anyone have firsthand experience with tolerable temperatures for
the NeXT monitor? (The cube itself doesn't get hit by the sun in my
current configuration). Is anyone marketing a cube shield which'll 
reflect inbound rays? I suppose I could just tape aluminum foil on it,
but that doesn't really seem worthy of such a noble box.

I guess I could probably rearrange things to get the NeXT monitor out
of the sunlight, but I really hate to let office layout decisions
be cube-driven: it tends to make you doubt the direction of cube-user
control flow.  :-)

Thanks for any suggestions,
