(Gerrit) (07/31/90)
Because we are running thin on disk space on, I am in the process of moving the NeXT archives to a machine with sufficient disk space. During the next few months I'll be removing files on which have not been accessed in 30 days or so as a part of this migration. The rest of the NeXT archives on that host will be removed in the next couple of months. I will be providing ftp access through two new hosts. The archives on these hosts will be identical (or as identical as NFS can make them :-) and will probably be a bit more complete than they have been in the past. The two new hosts will be ( and ( We'll be going from around 20 Meg of archive space to over 200 Meg of space. All of this space will be accessible to the email server as well, so if there are other NeXT related packages scattered around the Internet that you would like (please do restrict your requests to NeXT related packages, btw, because fetching these does take up some valuable time) let us know at and we'll try and pick it up. gerrit for