[comp.sys.next] Big hard drives

rocks@nmsu.edu (Dave Rocks) (08/02/90)

	I am looking for an alternative to Next's 600mb hard drive. Any
	recommendations, comments, warnings, etc. would be appreciated.

					Dave Rocks
					New Mexico State University

daugher@cs.tamu.edu (Dr. Walter C. Daugherity) (08/03/90)

In article <66@opusNMSU.Edu> rocks@nmsu.edu (Dave Rocks) writes:
>	I am looking for an alternative to Next's 600mb hard drive. Any
>	recommendations, comments, warnings, etc. would be appreciated.

I just bought the identical Maxtor 660 MB disk for a fraction of the price
from Marcus at International Data Systems, 12800 Garden Grove Blvd. #E,
Garden Grove, California 92643, phone (714)530-8677.  One year's swap
maintenance was included.  I am delighted with the price, delivery, and ease of

There are also some faster and/or larger SCSI drives which have recently been
posted, but some of them require physical modification (brackets and cables)
and/or changes to fstab.  

One you might investigate is the new Hitachi DK515C-78, a 780 MB (unformatted)
SCSI drive with a 16 ms average access time and a 100,000-hour MTBF!  I'd be
interested to know what it would take to install that one in a NeXT.  Their
phone number is (800)283-4080, Ext. 877.

Walter C. Daugherity			Internet, NeXTmail: daugher@cs.tamu.edu
Knowledge Systems Research Center	uucp: uunet!cs.tamu.edu!daugher
College Station, TX 77843-3112		CSNET: daugher%cs.tamu.edu@RELAY.CS.NET
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