rca@tahoe.cs.brown.edu (Ronald C.F. Antony) (08/09/90)
There have been a couple of inquiries about TheFormatter, a program that enables you to low-level format Wren drives for optimal use in NeXT systems. The Wren drives are high quality, high capacity drives, that are usually available at a moderate price. We, the developers of TheFormatters have been off for vaccations in Europe, thus support might not have been optimal during the last couple of weeks. So if there are any unresolved questions, complaints etc. we are now available again at the following addresses: agm@cs.brown.edu and rca@cs.brown.edu The phone support will take a couple more days to be set up, but if you drop us a mail, we will be able to call you back within reasonable time. Ronald ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." Bernhard Shaw | rca@cs.brown.edu or antony@browncog.bitnet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------