[comp.sys.next] BIND 4.8.3 available for anonymous FTP from sutro.sfsu.edu

eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU (Eric P. Scott) (08/31/90)

[ The version of BIND distributed with NeXT Software Release 1.0
  and 1.0a is very old, and as several people have discovered,
  doesn't work.  The 4.8.1 port I did last year was a great
  improvement, but still had a few problems.  Berkeley released
  4.8.3 earlier this month; it's still officially a "test"
  release, but considered fairly stable.  We've been running it
  with no observed problems, but don't claim to have tested it
  exhaustively. ]

The following files are available by anonymous FTP from sutro.sfsu.edu
in the pub subdirectory:

	PostScript version of Nameserver Operations Guide for BIND
	executables and man pages
	complete source distribution

You only "need" the first two (if you have other systems with
recent versions of BIND, such as SunOS 4.1, you can use their
copy of the BOG).  The sources are for the .GOV sites that
won't touch anything without them.  :-)


Check to see if you have the original NeXT version; if you see
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root     wheel      32768 Aug 18  1989 named*
mv it to named.orig

# zcat NeXT-BIND-4.8.3-exe.tar|tar xvpf -

will install everything in its proper place.

Add the following to /etc/rc.local:

	if [ -f /usr/etc/named -a -f /etc/named.boot ]; then
		/usr/etc/named && (echo -n ' named')            >/dev/console

My previous releases (NeXT-BIND-4.8.1.tar.Z and nslookup.tar.Z)
are OBSOLETE and should be removed from archives.  Even if you
have no intention of running named on a NeXT, you should grab
NeXT-BIND-4.8.3-exe.tar.Z for the newer version of nslookup.
I fixed a FEW of Berkeley's coding errors in the course of
doing the port... it still generates a few warnings at compile

Portability gripes BIND hackers need to address in the future:
	1) Watch those #includes.  <stdlib.h> can't always
	   be there, but <sys/time.h> needs to be more often.
	2) Just because your compiler recognizes the void
	   type doesn't mean that signal functions are void.
	3) socket calls expect names to be cast to
	   (struct sockaddr *)

[ There are no time-of-day restrictions on anonymous FTP from
  sutro.sfsu.edu; in fact, the system tends to be least busy
  during the business day when many sites ask you to go away.
  Note that we are still stuck behind a 56Kb WAN, so don't panic
  if your transfer rates are less than impressive.  Hopefully the
  major archive sites with healthy connectivity will make these
  files available in a few days.  See the README file for other
  goodies... ]
