[comp.sys.next] XWindows W11 Release 4

peterd@opus.cs.mcgill.ca (Peter Deutsch) (09/19/90)

In article <F9ix_c52@cs.psu.edu>, melling@cs.psu.edu (Michael D Mellinger) writes:
> In article <7753@milton.u.washington.edu> wjs@milton.u.washington.edu (William Shipley) writes:
>    Well, today at the big unveiling Jobs announced the NeXTstation (which
>    will be reviewed to death by others, so I'll be brief), which NeXT
>    document number N6030 describes as:
> Anything earthshaking happen at the unveiling?  Some of us couldn't
> make it :-).

Well, I didn't make it either (NeXT offered to pay my way,
then withdrew the offer! :-( but I did write a news release
that was supposed to be included in the press kit. I
include a copy below. If for some reason the event didn't
merely telling the world I like NeXTen and bought a bunch.

Boy, am I sensitive.

Anyways, for anyone too lazy to read our blurb below, the
interesting bit is as follows:

>      As one example of this, McGill is currently working  on
> porting  X11  Release  4  of Xwindows to the NeXT machine. A
> beta version already runs in cooperation with  version  1.0a
> of  NeXTstep and should be available for public distribution
> soon. A stand-alone version is also planned  and  both  ver-
> sions  will  be  submitted  back to MIT for inclusion in the
> standard X11 release.

So there, X 11 Release 4 IS RUNNING ON THE NeXT!

As for status, I have the best hacker at McGill working on
the port for me, he has a working server and basically all
the other bits of XWindows compiled and running
in conjuction with NeXTStep 1.0a.  There are a few little
bugs, but the grunt work is done for the "draft" version.
Imagine Xeyes on a NeXT, with black background, no borders,
in a dark, unlit office. It looks sexy! :-)

First, how we did it. We still need NeXTStep, but only to
provide us with keyboard and mouse events. These are
provided to the XWindows server, which translates them and
handles them as appropriate X events. We have asked NeXT
for details on accessing these directly and when/if we get
this info, we will not need NeXTStep at all.

In action, when Xwindows starts up, the first thing it
does is draw a DPS window in front of all the existing
NeXTstep windows. The X code then opens the frame buffer
and talks directly to it, in effect scribbling directly on
the screen. It really handles the two bits per pixel
correctly and is actually a rework of a colour server to
handle 2 bits instead of 8.

When we exit X, we clear the DPS window and find ourselves
back in NeXTstep. As I said, we still need NeXTStep to get
keyboard and mouse events, and hope to bypass this if
someone can tell us how. This all works now.

One thing we plan to do is to add a toggle so we can
switch between X and NeXTstep. The guy doing the port says
it should be easy. We'd click on the X icon and go into X,
and have some hot-key or icon to click to get back. They
can co-exist just fine.

The other possibility is to run X standalone, ie kill the
NeXTStep window server and run the X server. I would like
this option and my hacker says he can do it once we
eliminate the event problem. If you know how to do what we
want, write. If you know someone at NeXT who knows how to
do what we want, wake them up after the big bash and get
them to write. I have spoken to our Tech Rep who promises
to speak to a couple of people, but hey, why wait!?!

Performance? I think it's not blindingly fast on a 68030
cube, but I'm told it's "slower than monochrome on a Sun,
but faster than 8 bit colour". This is providing real two
bit per pixel support.

Things to come? Well, we have 68040s on order and are
eagerly awaiting 2.0 of the O/S to make sure nothing
breaks, although it shouldn't. If/when NeXT announce
colour or can get us beta machines we have offered to do
the colour port.

Availability? Not yet, but soon. The guy doing the port
wants to give it back to MIT for inclusion in the standard
release, so expect it at an archive server near you once
we're done. Of course, we will post in comp.windows.x and
here in comp.sys.next when it's ready.

Problems? One problem is that a lot of the public domain X
programs are broken, in that they hardwire in an
assumption about how many mouse buttons you have
(Hey! Not all machines have 3 button mice, guys!).
This is not a server issue, it's a programmer education
issue, but my suggestion is to map some special hot key on
the keyboard to be the missing mouse button. I am not an X
hacker so don't know how outlandish a suggestion this is,
but my hacker thinks it can be done, so I believe him. The
alternative is to fix a lot of broken code, but that seems
like more work.

One window manager I've seen can work with no mice or
buttons at all. This is another obvious way around the
problem. :-)

I have deliberately omitted the name of the guy doing the
port, as I don't want a flood of "Can I have copy NOW,
please please, pluuuuueeeese?" letters slowing him down.
He's good and is almost done. It will be released soon.
And it will be free. Remember my email address and start
bothering _me_ in a few weeks if someone haven't followed
up. Thanks.

One last comment on XWindows. I am not the guy doing the
port, I have cooperated to the level of helping to
pursuade someone to do it, then giving up my own
workstation so the guy would have a testbed. I am not a
qualified X (or even NeXTStep) hacker so I may have used
the term "window" when I meant "box" or whatever. Sorry,
but the gist is sound. I hope to see the hacker doing the
port posting on this soon.

I have been told (over the phone, not non-disclosed,
nothing) that NeXT has contracted with some company to do
an XWindows port, including Motif, etc. If you want that,
then call NeXT. We're offering the public domain, freeware
version of an X11 Release 4 server, and I hope/expect to
be able to offer it before anyone else does.

Finally, one last comment. I was flamed at one point about
the non-disclosure rubbish. Someone accused me of "hurting
NeXT financially" by releasing info I shouldn't have. I
didn't answer because I didn't want to prolong what I
thought was a silly thread, but here's my answer to the
question I was asked (probably rhetorically) "so what have
you do for NeXT financially?" Here's my answer. I bought
63 NeXTen and helped arrange the XWindows port. So what
have you guys done?

I 'll drop this now if everyone else does.

			- peterd



                                      September 18, 1990.

     (Montreal) - McGill University announced today that  it
has  purchased  63  NeXT  computers  to equip a new teaching
laboratory for the School of Computer Science. The  machines
will  be  used  at  all levels of the School's undergraduate
teaching program, as well as for graduate level teaching and

     ``We began our search for new computer systems  with  a
stringent set of requirements'', says Peter Deutsch, systems
manager for the School. ``We had to have machines that could
co-exist  with  a  large  number  of different machines in a
networked environment. We needed a machine that could run  a
large body of existing UNIX-based software. We wanted a fast
machine, yet needed as many of them as possible. It just all
seemed to come together with NeXT.

     ``Many students are taking our courses as electives and
we  see no reason to inflict raw UNIX upon them. At the same
time, computer science students need to be able to 'lift the
lid'  on any conventional graphics user interface and access
the  raw  O/S  when  required.''  Mr.   Deutsch   continued.
``Underneath  the NeXTstep GUI is a stable implementation of
Mach, which does a great job of looking like  Berkley  UNIX.
We  have  been  very pleased with the ease with which we can
port software from our existing machines onto the NeXT  com-

     As one example of this, McGill is currently working  on
porting  X11  Release  4  of Xwindows to the NeXT machine. A
beta version already runs in cooperation with  version  1.0a
of  NeXTstep and should be available for public distribution
soon. A stand-alone version is also planned  and  both  ver-
sions  will  be  submitted  back to MIT for inclusion in the
standard X11 release.

     The new machines join a number of NeXT  computers  used
in  individual  professors'  labs. Current machines are used
for research in Speech Recognition, Numerical  Analysis  and
Database Design. Several others are used for systems mainte-
nance and monitoring tasks. ``Our success with  the  earlier
NeXT  computers  helped  us  decide on this new purchase. We
have a lot of faith in NeXT and look forward to having their
new machines in our labs.'' said Mr.  Deutsch.

     For information  on  McGill's  NeXT  purchase,  contact
Peter  Deutsch  by  phone:  (514) 398-6698, or through elec-
tronic mail (peterd@cs.mcgill.ca).

+-------+ 	Peter Deutsch		McGill University
| u # u |	peterd@cs.mcgill.ca	School of Computer Science
|  a a  |	
 \  a  /	Go ahead, flame me. I have a /dev/null on my machine...

engstrom@SRC.Honeywell.COM (Eric Engstrom) (09/20/90)

In article <2241@opus.cs.mcgill.ca> peterd@opus.cs.mcgill.ca (Peter Deutsch) writes:
>[stuff deleted...]
> >      As one example of this, McGill is currently working  on
> > porting  X11  Release  4  of Xwindows to the NeXT machine.
> > [...]
> So there, X 11 Release 4 IS RUNNING ON THE NeXT!
> As for status, I have the best hacker at McGill working on
> the port for me, he has a working server and basically all
> the other bits of XWindows compiled and running
> in conjuction with NeXTStep 1.0a.  There are a few little
> bugs, but the grunt work is done for the "draft" version.
> Imagine Xeyes on a NeXT, with black background, no borders,
> in a dark, unlit office. It looks sexy! :-)
> [stuff about how X is being done on the NeXT - deleted...]

Sounds good, but I've got a question...

While I use X (11 rel. 4) on Suns of various denominations (in definite
preference to Sun-Tools), I wonder the use of X on a NeXT.  

Admittedly, X has a large software "base", provides environment
homogeneity among different machine types, and is free & well supported,
but in terms of usability of the environment, I would still rather use
NeXTStep on a NeXT.  I'm sure this "usability" stems in part from simply
being on a NeXT (machine and environment built together), but if IBM can
port NeXTStep, why couldn't NeXTStep be ported to other machines
(ignoring the licensing problem)

I didn't post this to start a flame-war about the benefits of PD
software (personally, I think groups like the X-Consortium and FSF are
great! :-), but I'm just curious about how people would/will use X on
the NeXT.

(email me the flames and spare the group.)


(--- Disclaimer:  The opinions contained within are entirely my own and 
(---              do not necessarily represent those of my employer.
(---   (but I didn't have to sign any non-disclosure agreement for them.)

Eric Engststrom, Honeywell SRC		   | [While most peoples' 
ARPA:  engstrom@src.honeywell.com	   |   opinions change, the 
UUCP:  {umn-cs,ems,bthpyd}!srcsip!engstrom |   conviction of their 
MAIL:  3660 Technology Drive, Mpls, MN     |   correctness never does]
Phone: (612) 782-7318                      |

olson@sax.cs.uiuc.edu (Bob Olson) (09/20/90)

In article <92180@srcsip.UUCP> engstrom@SRC.Honeywell.COM (Eric Engstrom) writes:

   great! :-), but I'm just curious about how people would/will use X on
   the NeXT.

There are those of us who are great fans of the NeXT, and enjoy using
and programming it immensely, but who have to do project development
using X for the work they get paid for :-). Using X on the NeXT would
give me the best of both worlds... now to convince my boss that a
NextDimension is the ideal visualization platform :-).


peterd@opus.cs.mcgill.ca (Peter Deutsch) (09/20/90)

In article <92180@srcsip.UUCP>, engstrom@SRC.Honeywell.COM (Eric Engstrom) writes:
> In article <2241@opus.cs.mcgill.ca> peterd@opus.cs.mcgill.ca (Peter Deutsch) writes:

[ my stuff on X deleted ]

> Sounds good, but I've got a question...
> While I use X (11 rel. 4) on Suns of various denominations (in definite
> preference to Sun-Tools), I wonder the use of X on a NeXT.  
> Admittedly, X has a large software "base", provides environment
> homogeneity among different machine types, and is free & well supported,
> but in terms of usability of the environment, I would still rather use
> NeXTStep on a NeXT.  I'm sure this "usability" stems in part from simply
> being on a NeXT (machine and environment built together), but if IBM can
> port NeXTStep, why couldn't NeXTStep be ported to other machines
> (ignoring the licensing problem)

> I didn't post this to start a flame-war about the benefits of PD
> software (personally, I think groups like the X-Consortium and FSF are
> great! :-), but I'm just curious about how people would/will use X on
> the NeXT.

I'd like to say a word or two about this, as the whole
issue of X availability was a big one when we were
researching our purchase. We are part of a global community
of educational institutions, who have collectively
produced an incredible environment (the Internet,
workstations, Gigabytes of archive servers, Usenet, etc).
One of the things that makes all that work is
interoperability at the machine level. We don't all run
the same hardware, but we keep in mind that whatever we do
might have to be ported to some pretty bizarre hardware.

Sooo, when I started evaluating workstations (we obtained
demos for IBM, Sun, Dec, Data General, Solbourne, Silicon
Graphics) we tried several things. We have a whole
directory full of P.D. tools and other software that we
ported to each machine (or tried, in some cases). We
brought over our editors, our UNIX filters, etc. The usual
stuff, less, lc, etc.

For the record, the NeXTen matched Sun pound for pound on
this, better than virtually every other machine. As our
primary machines are Sun now, Sun's supremacy was
expected. The NeXT performance, although with some
problems, surprised and pleased me.

As part of fitting into this environment, we pretty much
have to accept the supremacy of XWindows. We _don't_ have
to endorse the design, but _everyone_ (with the obvious
exception of NeXT) had a commitment to it when we started.
Frankly it was their major "hit". They had networks, they
had UNIX (well Mach, but it really does look like
Berkely), they had neat extras like the DSP chip. They had
an Object oriented environment, etc. But they didn't have
X, and everyone else we deal with did.

As part of our negotiations, we received assurances (in
writing) from NeXT that this would be addressed. On the
strength of this, and given the advantages of the machines
they were quoting us (over 50 of the ones announced
yesterday, plus eight cubes to make opticals available to
anyone that wants it and to give us colour) we went NeXT.

Fortunately for me, I am not stuck waiting for NeXT to
follow through (although I have no reason to think they
wont). I had access to a guy who would do the port for me
as a challenge. I'm glad he did, as we now have that much
bigger a collection of P.D. stuff to run and our students
will be exposed to this obviously important standard.

Of course, as I outlined in my previous posting, our
server should be able to co-exist with NeXTstep, which
gives us the best of both worlds. Sort of like Solbourne's
X server, which will emulate either Motif or Open Look by
selection as a command line switch. We have greater
flexibility to go with the world when we must, but have a
nice interface, with some neat features when we want.

For what it's worth, I don't actually care if my buttons
are round or square, my scroll bars on the left or the
right. I like _ALL_ the options. With X on the machine,
the one thing I felt they were missing is fixed. Those
waiting for Cobol can't say that, but I can.

Note that if I was buying 50 or 60 machines for an office,
I would have a different analysis, but I might even come
to the same conclusions. In any event, _we_ needed it so
we did it. If you want it, it should be ready soon. If you
don't, have fun with Improv.

				- peterd

^X ^I .signature

+-------+ 	Peter Deutsch		McGill University
| u # u |	peterd@cs.mcgill.ca	School of Computer Science
|  a a  |	"From MAILER-DAEMON@hq.demos.su Thu Sep 13 00:45:55 MSD 1990"
 \  a  /	
  \___/         The day we made contact....

Look! I can type after the signature!

peterd@opus.cs.mcgill.ca (Peter Deutsch) (09/20/90)

In article <OLSON.90Sep19122115@sax.cs.uiuc.edu>, olson@sax.cs.uiuc.edu (Bob Olson) writes:
> In article <92180@srcsip.UUCP> engstrom@SRC.Honeywell.COM (Eric Engstrom) writes:
>    great! :-), but I'm just curious about how people would/will use X on
>    the NeXT.
> There are those of us who are great fans of the NeXT, and enjoy using
> and programming it immensely, but who have to do project development
> using X for the work they get paid for :-). Using X on the NeXT would
> give me the best of both worlds... now to convince my boss that a
> NextDimension is the ideal visualization platform :-).

Well, now for you guys to convince NeXT to get us the
colour machines we ordered quickly so we can start the
colour port. I know, why don't you all write NeXT and tell
them you like this! And tell them to thrown in a 16 bit
one or two, as well! :-)

[ Puuullleeessseee note the smiley! ]

					- peterd

+-------+ 	Peter Deutsch		McGill University
| u # u |	peterd@cs.mcgill.ca	School of Computer Science
|  a a  |	
 \  a  /	"Love my work, hate my job..."


hunt@boulder.Colorado.EDU (PUT YOUR NAME HERE) (09/20/90)

In article <92180@srcsip.UUCP> engstrom@SRC.Honeywell.COM (Eric Engstrom) writes:
>> [stuff about how X is being done on the NeXT - deleted...]
>Sounds good, but I've got a question...
>While I use X (11 rel. 4) on Suns of various denominations (in definite
>preference to Sun-Tools), I wonder the use of X on a NeXT.  
>Admittedly, X has a large software "base", provides environment
>homogeneity among different machine types, and is free & well supported,
>but in terms of usability of the environment, I would still rather use
>NeXTStep on a NeXT.

While I agree the NeXTStep is a nice GUI, what I don't think you understand
is the flexibility of X window.  The "look" and behavior (window border,
gadgets, pop-up window, etc.) are all aspects of the X window _manager_,
which can be anything one desires (eg: twm, uwm, motif, openlook, etc.).
So I'm sure than someone could make a NeXTStepesque window manager to work
pretty much like it does now (although it would most likely be a bit slower).

The X window _server_ is what is common to all X window setups -- it's the
device that lets you communicate with X window clients (X window applications)
and other X window servers.  This brings up a very neat concept of X -- the
idea that all X terminals are "equivalent" such that you can open a window
on any other X terminal (as long as you have permission).  This is quite
handy when you want to show a window to someone remotely for their
pursal.  The flexibility and gererality of X makes it a Good Thing.


|  --Lee                                                                 |
|                        Dave Haynie is Bob!                             |
|  hunt@spot.colorado.edu                ...!ncar!boulder!spot!hunt      |

doug@eris.berkeley.edu (Doug Merritt) (09/20/90)

In article <OLSON.90Sep19122115@sax.cs.uiuc.edu> olson@sax.cs.uiuc.edu (Bob Olson) writes:
>There are those of us who are great fans of the NeXT, [...] but who have
>to do project development using X for the work they get paid for :-).

Similarly, my company must support several hardware platforms so that
our software will run on the customer's machines. X gives us a way to
develop just one piece of software, rather than writing brand new software
for each target platform's windowing system, saving mucho time and money.
Naturally we need to have X on our development machines.

Once X is available for NeXT, I can make a case for using NeXT as
our development system. Until then, there's nothing I can say,
and we just keeping buying more Sparcs.

As usual, compatibility in one form or another turns out to be the
overriding concern in the real world.
	Doug Merritt		doug@eris.berkeley.edu (ucbvax!eris!doug)
			or	uunet.uu.net!crossck!dougm

rca@cslab5a.cs.brown.edu (Ronald C.F. Antony) (09/21/90)

Why must X blank the screen? I thought XNeXT was so handy in that it allowed
the two window systems to coexist on the same screen. Why not keep that,

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists
in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the
unreasonable man."  Bernhard Shaw | rca@cs.brown.edu or antony@browncog.bitnet