[comp.sys.next] Can't get Sybase "isql -Usa -P" to work in any form: Help?

dbd@theory.uh.edu (Dan Davison) (09/26/90)

I have been trying to install the Sybase SQL Server using the
instructions from the NeXT archives at Purdue and the (incredibly
wrong) on-line documentation.

The Sybase installation comes in three parts.  First, CreateMaster
script calls "buildmaster" builds a master database, default in

Then the CreateMaster script does a series of
        isql -Usa -P < installmaster2
        isql -Usa -P < installmaster3
which means do this series of isql commands, as the user "system
adminstrator" (-Usa) with no password (-P). 

None of this works.  All fail with "Login failed".  So, none of the
baby dbs are built, so "isql" cannot be used at all.

I need this fixed as soon as possible...it is for a course I'm
teaching in biological computing, and we were supposed to have started

Any help would be greatly appreciated!  Please respond by e-mail if
you have any ideas, clues, etc. as to how to fix this.

dan davison
dbd@dna.bchs.uh.edu (NeXTMail)  <---use this as the campus mail
                                    machine is having problems right
dr. dan davison/dept. of biochemical and biophysical sciences/univ. of
Houston/4800 Calhoun/Houston,TX 77054-5500/davison@uh.edu/DAVISON@UHOU

"Mars is essentially in the same orbit...somewhat the same distance
from the sun, which is very important.  We have seen pictures where
there are canals, we believe, and water.  If there is water, that
means there is oxygen.  If oxygen, that means we can breathe" -- Vice
President Dan Quayle, Head of the National Space Council, when
questioned on CNN about why America should send a mission to Mars.
[Houston Post, Sun. Nov. 19, pg. C-1].

Disclaimer: As always, I speak only for myself, and, usually, only to