(Chuck Herrick) (09/27/90)
Re: setting NXMenuY to 10.0 and NXMenuX to 0.0 with dwrite... this will in fact leave just a fraction of the little menu in the bottom left corner of the screen, but to click-quit you'll have to drag the menu up and into the screen to get to the quit tile, and consequently, as the app quits it will dwrite the current location of the little menu, which will reposition it where you left it when you last quit. How about this: as you open your apps, before you quit, drag the menu to your choice of a default location and quit from there. This should let the app record your preferences for you, and you can adjust the next time you activate the app. Hope this helps... By the way, I recommend a cruise through the doc 10_Support.wn with a read of the stuff regarding GLOBAL NX"Variables", dwrite, dread, and dremove... And by the way, thanks to Jeff Martin for pointing me in the right direction. --- Just your campus_consultants in action again --- -- " ...and just who was Ken Thompson, anyway? Do you remember?"