[comp.sys.next] University Prices

barry@pico.math.ucla.edu (Barry Merriman) (09/30/90)

The upgrade prices here at UCLA are:

030 Cube -> 040 Cube $969

NeXTCube -> NeXTDimension $5199 + 040 uprgrade costs
                      (board + monitor)

(Q: is it possible to upgrade to NeXTDimension without an 040 upgrade?
not that I'd want to.)


NeXT printer: $1229 
NeXTStation:  $3349

So, for only $6200, you can upgrade all the way to an 040,
dual-display NeXTDimension. Not bad!

Barry Merriman
UCLA Dept. of Math
UCLA Inst. for Fusion and Plasma Research
barry@math.ucla.edu (Internet)