[comp.sys.next] NeXT and Modems

jpd00964@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (01/05/90)

This has bounced several times, so I am posting it here.  

>From @x400.hscs.umn.edu:ALEGREJ@UMNHSNVE Tue Jan  2 13:02:29 1990
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Date:      02 JAN 90 13:01:47
Subject:   Modems and NeXT
To: <jpd00964@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu>
Status: R

>I am writing to you because in a previous Net thread you had some
>input on getting a NeXT cube going with a modem.  I am having the
>greatest problem with this.

I'll try to be helpful, but no gaurentees.

>I am trying to hook the cube's serial B port to a Ventel Pathfinder
>19200 baud modem.  (Same as Telebit Trailblazer).  The port on
>the modem is 25 pin RS 232.  I want to be able to use it with
>"tip" and "uucp".  So far no luck what so ever.  I am using a Mac
>round 8 to RS 232 modem cable.  I know that there is a difference
>between the serial A and serial B ports with respect to power on
>pin 7, but, according to the diagram on page 83 of "The NeXT Book"
>pin 7 is not used in modem cables.  Also using this cable with the
>serial A port does not let me dial out either.

There are a variety of possible problems already.  
1>  The Telebit modem, I beleive, has a weird wiring diagram and is an evil
creature.  From my microphone manual, I get this diagram.
mini-din-8		Telebit
1			4 & 20
2			5
3			2
4&8			7
6			nothing
7			nothing
8&4			7

This is necessary because of the hardware handshaking, but only applies to a

2>  Your modem needs to be talked to at 192KBaud.  Speaking at any other speed
will not work.  (I had this problem myself).  You will most likely need to 
start out by inserting an entry for a19200.  There are entries for a9600,
so just copy those.  This should allow you to type tip a19200 to connect to
the modem.  Then you can try standard hayes commands.  If this works, then 
the cable is fine, you just need to create a dial19200 entry.  Copy the
dial1200 and change br#1200 to br#19200.

3>  It is quite possible that the cube is unable to handle 19200 baud.  I
know that ioctl standards only go up to 9600 baud.  There may be problems going
higher.  At least that's what the man pages say.  There are External A and
External B, but I don't know what they mean.  It is possible that you can use
these to go higher. 

Definately put the cable on serial port a.  Otherwise you will have a lot
to change, and it is not worth it.

>I am not sure if it is the cable, a incorrect configuration of some
>UNIX file, or the Ventel modem register settings (which are a world
>onto themselves).  The Ventel will give register dumps both in full
>duplex or half duplex mode but I am not getting any response from the
>modem, so I donUt think I am getting out of the cube.

Can you attempt to run the modem off a macintosh?  That might give some clue
to the problem.

>Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated.

>Thank you in advance.
>John N Alegre
>University of Minnesota
>Andante Systems

Michael Rutman

P.S.  Please let me know what happens.  I'm very interested in this.

P.P.S.  Sorry I could not E-Mail to you, but I cannot find a path to you from 
my machine.

q4kx@vax5.cit.cornell.edu (Joel Sumner) (09/28/90)

I am seriously considering buying a new  105 meg 'slab'.  One small question.
Is there terminal software available so I can use my modem with it?  I have
seen plenty of UNIX boxes that have modems hooked up for Usenet transfer and
such but I was looking for terminal software (with decent vt100 emulation) for
calling our mainframes and such.

Question 2, has vt100 been improved in 2.0 of the OS?  

Joel Sumner                     GENIE:JOEL.SUMNER     These opinions are 
q4kx@cornella.ccs.cornell.edu   q4kx@cornella         warranted for 90 days or
q4kx@vax5.cit.cornell.edu       q4kx@crnlvax5         60,000 miles.  Whichever
....................................................  comes first.
Never test for an error condition that you can't handle.

rca@cs.brown.edu (Ronald C.F. Antony) (10/06/90)

In article <1990Sep28.120652.167@vax5.cit.cornell.edu> q4kx@vax5.cit.cornell.edu (Joel Sumner) writes:
>I am seriously considering buying a new  105 meg 'slab'.  One small question.
>Is there terminal software available so I can use my modem with it?  I have
>seen plenty of UNIX boxes that have modems hooked up for Usenet transfer and
>such but I was looking for terminal software (with decent vt100 emulation) for
>calling our mainframes and such.

There is Kermit out there for free. It is a wonderful tool for this
purpose. With the kermit take command you can run command sequences
and do all kind of other neat stuff. Kermit runs within Terminal or
Stuart and thus also gives you a vt100 emulation.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists
in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the
unreasonable man."  Bernhard Shaw | rca@cs.brown.edu or antony@browncog.bitnet