[comp.sys.next] Info needed

alfonso@nanovx.UUCP (Alfonso Guerra) (10/21/90)

As the premier issue of NeXUS Magazine is being finalized, we would like to
gather information that will be useful to our readers.  If you can supply us
with any of the following it would be appreciated.
Announcements	  - any company announcements
Calendar	  - any upcoming events of interest
Bug Reports	  - any reproducible bugs of any version of software
Latest Revs	  - the latest shipping products
Now Shipping	  - Products newly released for NeXT computers
User Groups	  - User groups for the NeXT computer
Rumors		  - Any interesting tidbits
Questions         - Questions that you'd like answers to
Tips & Techniques - Solutions to problems
Please send email to {emory|gatech}!nanovx!nexus.
Again, thank you.