[comp.sys.next] IMPACT Second Software Contest

mlee@hermod.cs.cornell.edu (mark lee) (10/29/90)

*									      *
*			IMPACT Second Software Contest 			      *
*			------------------------------			      *
*									      *
* IMPACT Software Publishing, Inc. is sponsoring a second software contest    *
* for the NeXT computer.  All programmers who have access to a NeXT computer  *
* are invited to develop and submit a NeXT program.  The software submission  *
* deadline for the second software contest is February 15, 1991, but programs *
* may be submitted any time before the deadline.  The writer of the best      *
* submitted software will be awarded a $1000 prize and offered a contract to  *
* have the software published.					      	      *
*									      *
* Each submitted program will be evaluated as soon as it is received, and     *
* IMPACT will immediately offer a publishing contract for any program which   *
* shows creativity, originality, and marketability.  If the publishing        *
* contract is accepted, IMPACT will work with the writer to further develop   *
* the program and will then distribute and sell copies of the software for    *
* the writer for a flat fee ranging from $5 to $10.  Thus if a flat fee of    *
* $10 is agreed upon, then for each copy of a software sold by IMPACT, the    *
* writer will receive the price of the software minus $10 from IMPACT.        *
* (For example, if the writer decides to price the software at $30 each and   *
* 1000 copies are sold by IMPACT, then the software writer will receive       *
* $20,000 from IMPACT.) 						      *
*									      *
* To submit a program, copy the executable codes onto a floppy disk and send  *
* the disk to:					      		      	      *
*									      *
*    IMPACT Software Publishing, Inc.					      *
*    306 College Avenue							      *
*    Ithaca, NY 14850							      *
*									      *
* Or else, send a NeXT-mail with the program attached to mlee@cs.cornell.edu. *
* In addition to the executable codes, please add a README file with a brief  *
* description of how to use the software and where to find additional         *
* documentation (if any).    						      *
*									      *
* IMPACT Software Publishing, Inc. is an entrepreneurial company interested   *
* in publishing software written by creative independent programmers.  IMPACT *
* will bundle the top programs and distribute them using CD-ROMs, optical     *
* disks, and floppy disks.  Copies of the top programs will be sold through   *
* a software key access system.               			      	      *
* ___________________________________________________________________________ *
*/    ___  _   _  ___     _     __   _____                                   \*
*|     |   |\ /|  |  \   / \   /  \    |         Mark Lee                    |*
*|     |   | V |  |--'  |---|  |       |         Software Development Support|*
*|    _|_  |   |  |     |   |  \__/    |         mlee@cs.cornell.edu         |*
*|                                                                           |*
*| S o f t w a r e  P u b l i s h i n g,  I n c.                             |*
*|                                                                           |*
*|  306 College Avenue, Ithaca, New York 14850                               |*