[comp.sys.next] Monthly DSP 56000 Archive Server Posting

todd@ivucsb.sba.ca.us (Todd Day) (11/05/90)


Motorola DSP 56000 source file archive on ivucsb.sba.ca.us

Sun Nov  4 12:36:38 PST 1990

I welcome all submissions.  Please, send me any little code bits
you think might be useful for someone else.  Also, if you have
any downloads from Dr. BuB, please send them here.  I'd like to
post them to save people the phone call.

Send bug reports to todd@ivucsb.sba.ca.us

NOTE:	It has been reported to me that the srec.c source is missing
	ampersands and will not compile properly.  If you have a good
	copy, could you please mail it to me?

If you want to find out how to download the following files, send the
following line [subject line is ignored] to dsp@ivucsb.sba.ca.us

send HOWTO

Anything ending in .uu is generally tar'ed and compressed source that
has been uuencoded.  Unless otherwise noted, you should be able to
extract the source using the following:

uudecode file.uu

If a file.tar.Z file results, try
zcat file.tar.Z | tar xvf -

If a file.Z file results, try
uncompress file.Z

Please note that anything that has already been uuencoded will not need
to be sent using 'sendu'.


  47030 Dec 12  1989 56200.uu		Notes on the Motorola 56200
   2760 Oct 14 23:28 HOWTO		How to get these archives
                     analog/		Analog filter design programs
                     board/		How I built my dual 56000 board
  12297 Nov  4 12:26 cc.uu		!!!Stereo: everything BUT center channel
  11602 Dec 12  1989 codec.uu		CODEC <=> PCM code from Dr. BuB
  24391 Nov 29  1989 ditfft.uu		Decimation in Time FFT routines
   9285 Aug  5 18:54 dr.bub.uu 		How to get to Dr. BuB
  24720 Aug  5 18:56 dr.bub.hier.uu 	Dr. BuB support BBS hierarchy
		     dspbug/		Debugger ROMS from Dr. BuB
  46387 Dec 12  1989 dtmf.uu		DTMF source from Dr. BuB
  13447 Dec 12  1989 encode.uu		Reed Solomon codes from Dr. BuB
  16589 Oct 14 18:56 errata.uu		Errata sheets for the Moto 56001 manual
		     fft/		FFT code from Dr. BuB
  26014 Dec 12  1989 fir-iir.uu		FIR/IIR filter sections from Dr. BuB
  43264 Dec 12  1989 float.uu		Floating point code from Dr. BuB
   3167 Aug 11 16:46 ftp_via_NeXT	FTP these archives via NeXT ftp servers
   8840 Aug  5 18:57 gabriel.uu		Notes on a free 56000 block devel pgm
                     inc/		General lower case .INC files
                     incoming/		Where to put submissions
  23790 Dec 12  1989 lattice.uu		Lattice filters from Dr. BuB
   5858 Aug  2  1989 lms.help 		How to implement LMS filter (Dr. BuB)
  20133 Dec 12  1989 math.uu		Math functions from Dr. BuB
   6465 Dec 12  1989 matrix.uu		Matrix manipulation from Dr. BuB
		     qna/		Questions and Answers from Dr. BuB
  13409 Aug  2 03:49 rs.uu		Reed Solomon encoding/decoding for CD
   3185 Nov 29  1989 setup.asm		My standard setup (see board/note8)
                     sinewaves/		Sinewave generating routines
   6248 Aug  3  1989 sloader.asm 	.LOD serial loader (good bootstrap ROM)
   6977 Dec 12  1989 sort.uu		Sort routines from Dr. BuB
		     speech/		Speech code (ADPCM) from Dr. BuB
  22253 Dec 12  1989 srec.uu		Code for blasting PROMs
   3923 Sep 25  1989 vfreq.asm		Pitch changer (has clicking problem)

  39941 Aug  5 19:03 all.uu		All of the below.
   5765 Sep 26 20:18 ellip.c		Elliptical filter design.
  11555 Sep 26 20:18 filter.c		Butterworth, Chebychev, and Inv-Cheb.
  17687 Sep 26 20:18 pzsim.c		Pole-Zero simulator.
   2515 Sep 26 20:49 pzsim.doc		Info on above program.
  28254 Sep 26 20:18 sspice.c		Simple SPICE-type program.
   3003 Sep 26 21:16 sspice.doc		Info on above program.

  31876 Aug  5 19:06 all.uu		All of the below.
   2586 Sep 25  1989 note1		Choosing the DSP chip
   3866 Sep 26  1989 note2		Choosing the DACs and ADCs
   5453 Sep 26  1989 note3		Designing the analog filter
   6646 Sep 30  1989 note4		Hooking up RAM and ROM
   2534 Sep 29  1989 note5		Power supply considerations
   4035 Oct  5  1989 note6		How the SM5805 drives the board
   8915 Oct  8  1989 note7		Bootstrapping the 56000
   7857 Nov 17  1989 note8		Initializing the board
   1745 Oct  8  1989 people		People to contact + spec sheets

   2062 Nov 29  1989 dspbug.hlp		Get the help file first.  If
  46461 Nov 29  1989 dspbug.uu.1	you like what you see, download
  46500 Nov 29  1989 dspbug.uu.2	the rest and after unsharing, type:
  46500 Nov 29  1989 dspbug.uu.3
  46500 Nov 29  1989 dspbug.uu.4	cat dspbug.uu.? | uudecode
  41906 Nov 29  1989 dspbug.uu.5	zcat dspbug.tar.Z | tar xvtf -

  30958 Dec 12  1989 fft.uu.1		FFT stuff from Dr. BuB
  26510 Dec 12  1989 fft.uu.2		follow instructions for unpacking dspbug

    546 Aug  2  1989 defs.inc 		Defines that I find useful
   1195 Aug  2  1989 intequ.inc 	Interrupt equates
   8617 Aug  2  1989 ioequ.inc 		I/O equates

  30958 Dec 12  1989 qna.uu.1		Questions and Answers from Dr. BuB
  21290 Dec 12  1989 qna.uu.2 		follow instructions for unpacking dspbug

    424 Aug  3  1989 sine_int.asm 	Uses two integrators

  37161 Dec 12  1989 speech.uu.1	Speech code (ADPCM) from Dr. BuB
  33864 Dec 12  1989 speech.uu.2 	follow instructions for unpacking dspbug


By the way, I haven't finished "Dolby Surround: The NeXT Generation"
and it probably won't be done before the end of the year.  However, for
your entertainment (and as a treat for those who actually bothered to
read this far), I have included my code for outputing everything BUT
the center channel.  Using this code, you should be able to derive just
about everything needed to build a Dolby Surround decoder the right way.
Good luck...  you're going to need it!  If you don't understand adaptive
filtering, you won't be able to understand the code.  I'm sorry, but I
just don't have the time lately to do a proper overview.  The code is
documented somewhat, however.

-Todd Day-

Rewind - replay -
Warm memory chip
Random-sample -
Hold the one you need
		--Neil Peart, of Rush; "Vital Signs", from _Moving Pictures_

Todd Day |   todd@ivucsb.sba.ca.us   |  ucsbcsl!ivucsb!todd

Zen koan:
		*finger = moon;		/* finger != moon */