[comp.sys.next] How's it doing?

ajayshah@almaak.usc.edu (Ajay Shah) (10/25/90)

Is it shipping in quantity?  Is NeXT making a lot of money?  Does
NeXT have a fighting chance?  What kinds of quantities for 1991
are we looking at?

Ajay Shah, (213)734-3930, ajayshah@usc.edu
                              The more things change, the more they stay insane.

gillies@m.cs.uiuc.edu (10/26/90)

I have a hard time believing that NeXT is not taking a bath on the
NeXTStation I (academic price, ~$3400) system.  Can someone do an
economic analysis to show why next is not dumping this machine on the
computer market?  Whenever I try to imagine the OEM of the component
prices, I always get a $4500 total manufacturing cost.

gcarter@globey.cs.wisc.edu (Gregory Carter) (11/13/90)

As for the NeXT machine being OEM bath, component pricing is only a phase
of a products price.  The lowering of this cost comes from manufacturing.

NeXT has some incredible manufacturing facilities.
