[comp.sys.next] Wren 4

smithw@hamblin.math.byu.edu (Dr. William V. Smith) (11/29/90)

gilgalad@caen.engin.umich.edu's message of Thu, 29 Nov 90 16:32:47 writes:
>I should have mentioned in my other post that I want to keep the 40 meg drive
>for paging so as to reduce head thrashing (ie, don't use the Wren for both
>paging and filesystem use).  Looks like I might have to put the Wren in a

You do not get 40 MB of swap space on the 40 MB "swap drive". It's more
like 20 or so.  So, a *possibly* cheaper and certainly faster and more
esthetically pleasing route than the "shoebox" is to just buy some
4 MB SIMMS. These are less than $200@ now, and 80ns beats 15ms any
day. You won't see much paging with 40 MB of ram (your standard "comes
with it" 8X1 MB SIMMS plus 8X4 MB SIMMS). Besides, the present incarnation
of the OS (don't know if this is fixed in 2.0) won't like swaping to
two disks (which is what happens when you run out of space on the 
"swap disk").  If you just need big file space, mount it remotely, or
get a big internal (1.2gig internals are down in price to the $4K or less
range).  Just my opinion of course. Luck.
            __________________Prof. William V. Smith____________________
EMail:  smithw@hamblin.math.byu.edu  or  uunet!hamblin.math.byu.edu!smithw
SMail:          Math Dept. -- 314 TMCB; BYU; Provo, UT 84602 (USA)
NeXTmail:                   smithw@mathnx.math.byu.edu
Phone:            +1 801 378 2061         FAX:  +1 801 378 2800

gilgalad@caen.engin.umich.edu (Ralph Seguin) (11/30/90)

I should have mentioned in my other post that I want to keep the 40 meg drive
for paging so as to reduce head thrashing (ie, don't use the Wren for both
paging and filesystem use).  Looks like I might have to put the Wren in a
shoebox.  What kind of cabling am I going to need then?  Is the port on the
cube SCSI-2?  Anybody know of a cheap source for shoeboxes (for 2 full heigh
devices) and SCSI cabling?

				Thanks, Ralph

Ralph Seguin			gilgalad@dip.eecs.umich.edu
536 South Forest Apt. #915	gilgalad@caen.engin.umich.edu
Ann Arbor, MI 48104		(313) 662-4805