[comp.sys.next] mac SCSI tape on NeXT?

anderson@sapir.cog.jhu.edu (Stephen R. Anderson) (12/03/90)

I'm trying to use a TEAC 155 tape drive originally bought for a
Macintosh on an '030 cube (OS1.0). Apart from the internal disk, it's
the only SCSI device attached. It's terminated, SCSI address set to 1
(or 3, or 4 - the problem below doesn't depend on which).

When I power up, if the drive is turned on, the boot process panics. I
get the following message in the monitor window:

[stuff about booting from SCSI, finding the OD, etc.]
SCSI Controller, Target 7, as sc0 at 0x2014000
MAXTOR XT-8380S as sd0 at sc0 target 0 lun0
	Disk Label: MyDisk
	Disk Capacity 349 MB, Device block 1024 bytes
panic: (Cpu 0) scsi_cintr: bad sd_state

If I boot with the tape drive's power off, it boots all right, and if
I subsequently turn on the power SCSIInquirer sees and correctly
identifies the drive....but since it wasn't configured in on startup,
I can't do anything with it.

Any suggestions or help? If someone can help me get this to work (or
if I figure it out myself - unlikely...) I'll post the answer, since I
know (from responses to previous postings) that there are others out
there that would like to use these drives on a cube.

Steve Anderson