[comp.sys.next] Problems booting from Fujitsu disk

quarrie@cds001.cebaf.gov (David Quarrie) (12/06/90)

This is my first attempt at posting to a newsgroup, so apologies in advance for
any stupidities...

The NeXTcube I ordered from Businessland arrived yesterday, as did a Fujitsu
680MB hard drive from Mac!Direct! configured (supposedly) for the NeXT. After
getting the system to boot from the OD and playing for a bit (I'm a brand new
NeXT user - we use DECstations at work) I decided to try getting the system to
boot from the Fujitsu, following a recipe I got from Benson Wu 
(bmwu@athena.mit.edu) using some earlier postings. This included the
entries and notes on internal jumper settings. After flailing around a bit
due to a bad SCSI connector (luckily I had a spare cable) and delving inside
the disk to remove two jumpers as per the recipe (which I'll add to the end of
this posting) I finally got "scsimodes" to recognise the disk. I should add
that I discovered the cable problem after removing the jumpers and so don't
know what effect they had. After adding the relevant /etc/disktab entries
I was able to build a system on the disk using BuildDisk. I then modified
the /etc/fstab entry on the disk to only mount the single partition (since
that was how I did the disktab entry). However, on attempting to boot from the
disk I got a flashing "SCSI Error" message. On going to the ROM monitor and
trying a "b" it appears to access the correct drive but then issues an error:

No bootfile on path

On rebooting from the OD and mounting the hard disk, I discovered that
BuildDisk had only copied /odmach to the hard drive and not /sdmach (any
idea why not??). I copied this by hand and tried rebooting again, but it still
fails with the same error. So..... HELP!!! If anyone can point me at the
appropriate manual to RTFM or has encountered anything like this I'd be very

The recipe I got follows (quite long).

Article 5908 of comp.sys.next:
Path: uhccux!ames!bionet!agate!usenet
From: izumi@mindseye.berkeley.edu (Izumi Ohzawa)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next
Subject: FUJITSU M2263S SCSI Disk for NeXT -- Answers
Message-ID: <1990Jul18.080412.19027@agate.berkeley.edu>
Date: 18 Jul 90 08:04:12 GMT
Sender: usenet@agate.berkeley.edu (USENET Administrator;;;;ZU44)
Organization: University of California, Berkeley
Lines: 218

The 660MB Fujitsu SCSI drive now boots fine, thanks to a help from
Helene Young-Myers and Eugene D. Myers.  The problem
I described in an earlier posting was due to incorrect
jumper settings on the drive.

The drive has about the same capacity as Maxtor XT-8760S, and
can be had for a little more than $2000.  The drive is, however,
substantially louder during seeks than Maxtor (see below).

In any case, since some of you sent me mail asking for the summary
report, here it is:

*** Installing FUJITSU M2263S SCSI disk (660MB) as NeXT boot disk ****

[1] Jumper settings on the drive

  (a) SCSI target# can be set by jumber block "CN9" located right
	next to the SCSI bus connector of the drive.  Three jumpers
	closest to the SCSI connector encode the target number in

	View from the back of the drive, with the drive UP-SIDE DOWN.

     |-----------|  |----------------------------|       .......
     | power con.|  |   50 pin SCSI connector    |   CN9 .......
     |-----------|  |----------------------------|       \-/

	For SCSI target# 0, remove the three left-most jumpers on CN9.
	For SCSI target# 1, keep the left-most one, and remove the
		second and third jumper from left.

  (b) Remove two jumpers at both ends of the jumper block "CNH2".

	Locate the jumper block "CNH2" betweeen two surface-mount VSLI's
	whose labels are obscured by capacitors ( 1cm square blocks
	colored blue on my drive, with two leads).
	There are 8 jumpers in this block.

           On Jumper Block "CNH2" remove:
                        [1-2]      INQUIRY DATA
                        [15-16]    Synchronous Mode Transfer

	If you can't figure out the numbers on the block,
	[1-2] is at one end and indicated by a little triangle mark, and
	[15-16] is at the other end (8-th position from the triangle).

	[  This information was kindly provided by Helene Young-Myers,
	helene@secd.cs.umd.edu, and her husband Eugene D. Myers.
	Thank you! ]

[2] Remove the 40MB swap disk and install M2263S.
	Connect the power cable to the drive, and SCSI flat cable.

[3] Boot from OD, and login as root.
	Use command "scsimodes" as below to get basic formatting
	information, e.g., bytes per sector, etc.
	If "scsimodes" does not work, the most likely cause is
	improper cable connections.

localhost# scsimodes /dev/rsd0a
SCSI information for /dev/rsd0a
Drive type: FUJITSU M2263S-512
512 bytes per sector
53 sectors per track
15 tracks per cylinder
1658 cylinder per volume (including spare cylinders)
3 spare sectors per cylinder
15 alternate tracks per volume
1312343 usable sectors on volume

[4] Add the following entry to the end of "/etc/disktab".

	If the parameters shown by "scsimodes" are different
	from those above, you cannot use the entry below.
	If you want the modified disktab to appear also in
	the SCSI disk's /etc/disktab after BuildDisk, copy
	/etc/disktab to /usr/template/client/etc/disktab, too.
	( BuildDisk will copy /usr/template/client/etc/* onto a
	newly built disk as /private/etc/* )

	Be sure to make backup copies of the unmodified disktab
	in each directory.  Write permission may have to be set
	to edit these files.

----- cut here and append to /etc/disktab -----------------------------------
# FUJITSU M2263S-512 with 3 spare sectors/cylinder and 512 byte sectors
# localhost# scsimodes /dev/rsd0a
# SCSI information for /dev/rsd0a
# Drive type: FUJITSU M2263S-512
# 512 bytes per sector
# 53 sectors per track
# 15 tracks per cylinder
# 1658 cylinder per volume (including spare cylinders)
# 3 spare sectors per cylinder
# 15 alternate tracks per volume
# 1312343 usable sectors on volume
M2263S-512|FUJITSU M2263S-512|Fujitsu 760MB w/512 byte sectors as 1 partition:\
# Fujitsu M2263-512, divided into two partitions, sd0a and sd0b.
# This entry has not been tested. It may not work.
# (To use this entry, uncomment lines below, and comment out lines above)
# M2263S-512|FUJITSU M2263S-512|Fujitsu 760MB w/512 byte sectors, 2
#	:ty=fixed_rw_scsi:nc#1658:nt#15:ns#26:ss#1024:rm#3600:\
#	:fp#160:bp#0:ng#0:gs#0:ga#0:ao#0:\
#	:os=sdmach:z0#32:z1#96:ro=a:\
#	:pa#0:sa#426230:ba#8192:fa#1024:ca#32:da#4096:ra#10:oa=time:\
#		:ia:ta=4.3BSD:
#	:pb#426230:sb#220000:bb#8192:fb#1024:cb#32:db#4096:rb#10:ob=time:\
#		:ib:tb=4.3BSD:
------ cut here --- end of disktab for M2263S --------------------------------

[5] Check if the modified /etc/disktab is valid by;

localhost# disk /dev/rsd0a
disk name: FUJITSU M2263S-512
disk type: fixed_rw_scsi
Disk utility
disk> quit		(quit this program)

	If the "disk" command does not recognize the drive, you have
	made a mistake in adding the disktab entry in step [4].
	Check /etc/disktab again.

[6] Launch "BuildDisk" and run it.

[7] If you are using the first disktab entry (the whole disk
	as one large partition), you must edit "/etc/fstab" on the
	SCSI disk before you attempt to boot from it.
	If you are using the second entry (for two partions), skip
	this step.

	mount /dev/sd0a /mnt
	chmod 644 /mnt/etc/fstab

	... Edit /mnt/etc/fstab, and comment out or remove the line:
	    /dev/sd0b /clients 4.3 rw,noquota 0 2	

	umount /dev/sd0a

[8] Shutdown and boot from the SCSI disk.

	If the ROM monitor complains:

	SCSI unexpeced msg:1
	sc: Unexpected msg
	.... repeated many times...

	Then, you must have not set the jumpers correctly in step [1](b).

Additional information of interest

[9] Transfer Rate

localhost# disk /dev/rsd0a
disk name: FUJITSU M2263S-512
disk type: fixed_rw_scsi
Disk utility

disk> read
starting block? 0
# sectors per transfer? 16
number of transfers? 1000
sector increment? 16
16384000 bytes in 21243 ms = 771374 bytes/s
disk> read
starting block? 0
# sectors per transfer? 16
number of transfers? 1000
sector increment? 16
16384000 bytes in 21242 ms = 771374 bytes/s

For comparison, according to Ronald Antony & Axel Merk (the authors of
"TheFormatter" for Wren drives), CDC Wren VI (CDC 94191-15) gives

520000 - 560000 bytes/sec for 512 bytes/sector drive without cache, and
900000 - 980000 bytes/sec with on-drive cache.

[10] Seek Noise

The drive is quite noisy during seek.  My subjective impression
is that the drive is as noisy as the current opical drive, although
the nature of the noises is quite different.  You will
certainly hear seek noise every time a Browser opens a directory or
when someone does an rlogin, etc.  By comparison, Maxtor XT-8760S,
the NeXT's official 660MB drive, is dead quiet.
Perhaps, the drive may not be suitable if you need a quiet environment.
But the 5-year manufacturer warranty is, for me, quite soothing :-)

I don't know how Fujitsu compares with CDC Wren drives with respect to
seek noise.

[11] As always, use the information above at your own risk.  I am
	not responsible for any damage to the SCSI drive or to the
	NeXT cube itself (voiding the warranty) caused directly 
	or indirectly by the use of the information provided above.

Izumi Ohzawa, izumi@violet.berkeley.edu

whelan@  (uhunix.uhcc.hawaii.edu || uhunix.BITNET || nextsrv.wslab.hawaii.edu)


	David Quarrie
	CEBAF Physics Division
