[comp.sys.next] CRISP on NeXT

zst6311@ux.acs.umn.edu (Dave Naugle) (12/07/90)

I have ported the CRISP editor to the NeXT. I am making it
available by anonymous FTP.

There are two ways to get it : source or binary.

Binary is for people who just want the thing to work.
Source is for people who want to play with it.

If you don't think of yourself as a technical person, I
recommend you get the binary.

Oh, one important thing : to exit, type Ctrl-x

Here is the README.NEXT file for the binary :

This is the binary version of the CRISP editor for the NeXT.
It is available by anonymous FTP from cs.stthomas.edu, in
file pub/crisp/crisp.next.tar.Z (560 Kbytes)
Source is available in file 
pub/crisp/crisp.next.src.tar.Z (596 Kbytes).

Crisp is a clone of Brief, the programmer's editor for IBM PC.
It has extensive customization and extension capability.
It was written by P. D. Fox (fox%marlow.uucp@stc.idec.co.uk)
By the way, if Mr. Fox reads this, I'd like to congratulate him
for this superb program. I'm impressed.

This is just a straight port, no NeXT-specific features. But Crisp
is (in my humble opinion) a heck of a lot friendlier than Emacs
(although less powerful : there's a price to everything). Unlike
Emacs, Crisp is devoted exclusively to editing, but it does an
outstanding job of it. It has a pretty complete Lisp-like language.
This was compiled in NextStep 1.0a.

To install :

Uncompress and untar crisp.next.tar.Z (apparently, you've
already done that).
You should now have :

-rw-r--r--  1 root     wheel       2174 Dec  7 00:17 README
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root     wheel     106990 Dec  6 23:33 cm*
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root     wheel     290678 Dec  6 23:33 cr*
drwxr-xr-x  5 root     wheel       1024 Dec  6 23:32 usr.local.crisp/

Create the directory /usr/local/crisp
Move the contents of usr.local.crisp into that directory
Move cr and cm somewhere into your path (e.g. /usr/local/bin)
That's it !

It is possible to put the contents of usr.local.crisp into another
directory, but then you'll have to have an environment variable
pointing to that location.

The documentation is entirely on-line.  In fact, if you want a printed
documentation, you have to run a macro that massages the on-line
doc and produces a troff-type file.
To get help, type Esc-H in rapid succession (less than 1/2 second
between the two keystrokes).
The key bindings are maybe a little strange, because I use Crisp mostly
on a Sun, where I have bindings for most function and keypad keys. The
VT100 bindings are a translation of that setup (i.e. F3 = Esc-3,
L3 = Esc-Esc-3, etc). You can of course change it to something that
suit you best.

One final note : Crisp sometimes screws up Stuart when it exits. Just type
Cmd-r to reset the terminal, and you're all set up.

If you have a problem, you can send me mail, and I'll do my best.

Max Tardiveau
Computer Science Department
University of St. Thomas
St. Paul, MN  55105

Internet : m9tardiv@cs.stthomas.edu