[comp.sys.next] rich text --- example

simsong@media-lab.MEDIA.MIT.EDU (Simson L. Garfinkel) (12/07/90)

{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}
{\f0\fs24\fi0\li0\ql\gray0 For all of the excitement, I have a hard idea understand what's really }
{\f0\i\fs24\fi0\li0\ql\gray0 wrong}
{\f0\fs24\fi0\li0\ql\gray0  with posting in Rich Text.  After all, }
{\f0\b\fs24\fi0\li0\ql\gray0 I think that this is quite readable in regular ASCII}
{\f0\fs24\fi0\li0\ql\gray0 .\
Oh well.  To each his own.\

bostrov@storm.UUCP (Vareck Bostrom) (12/07/90)

In article <4271@media-lab.MEDIA.MIT.EDU> simsong@media-lab.MEDIA.MIT.EDU (Simson L. Garfinkel) writes:

[Rich Text}

I like it! Beautiful! So, when is that RTF newsreader going to be

- Vareck

++ Vareck Bostrom			            ++
++ bostrov@mist.cs.orst.edu                         ++
++ bostrov%storm@cs.uoregon.edu		            ++
++         					    ++
++ All this signifigance			    ++
++ 	what does it mean?			    ++

minich@d.cs.okstate.edu (Robert Minich) (12/07/90)

by bostrov@storm.UUCP (Vareck Bostrom):
> [Rich Text}
> I like it! Beautiful! So, when is that RTF newsreader going to be
> ready?

I thought that looked horribly ugly. Is RTF _really_ necessary at this
time? How about something a little more useful to the vast majority of
USENET readers who are using character based software/hardware? I've
always liked the idea of having some _readable_ standards to add some
style to this text. For example:

_your text here_  ==>	italicized or underlined text
*my words here*   ==>	bold or high intensity text
``quoted text''   ==>	real quotes
:-)               ==>   a REAL smiley face
``_*quote*_'' :-) ==>	a really funny quote

  Unlike the proposed RTF, this is readily readable by anyone. In
addition, people can post from ASCII terminals and still have the neat
effects preserved. I fear having some sort of RTF would cause
misinterpretations of posts because I may not be able to see your
emphasized words. Lastly, my way can also be useful on existing
terminals. So instead of buying a NeXT (?), a simple upgrade of your
favorite news reader would do the trick.
|_    /| | Robert Minich            |
|\'o.O'  | Oklahoma State University| "Get bent."
|=(___)= | minich@d.cs.okstate.edu  |               -- Bart Simpson
|   U    | - Ackphtth               |

bb@condo.cis.ufl.edu (Brian Bartholomew) (12/11/90)

In article <1990Dec7.103206.13550@d.cs.okstate.edu>
minich@d.cs.okstate.edu (Robert Minich) writes:

> _your text here_  ==>	italicized or underlined text
> *my words here*   ==>	bold or high intensity text
> ``quoted text''   ==>	real quotes
> :-)               ==>   a REAL smiley face
> ``_*quote*_'' :-) ==>	a really funny quote

Good points he makes.  Anyone want to write the TeX macros or whatever
to enbolden *bold*, italicize _Book Title_, and suitably quote
``quote'', for a suitably modified newsreader?

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a rigged demo."
Brian Bartholomew	UUCP:       ...gatech!uflorida!mathlab.math.ufl.edu!bb
University of Florida	Internet:   bb@math.ufl.edu