[comp.sys.next] New File server in France

phil@info.polymtl.ca (test remote acces) (12/14/90)

Hello folks :)

I post this note on behalf of a Friend (who lives in France). Thanx to 
send your mail/files to phil@\[\] or mail (only) to

		>>>>>>>>>>>New New New<<<<<<<<<<<<<

hi NeXTusers !

That s done. My ftp server is up ! :)

It will be primarily used to collect classes (both in C++ or ObjC),
and it will accept sources files. No binary-only are accepted since
this server is aimed to provide a good support to people (beginners/developpers)
who want to program NeXTStep.

Because, the idea of collecting classes is a bit new, i need your help to
feed the server, *your* server.
the address is:
the account is ftp, your login name is the passwd.
It is running  24/24 h all the year.

Because using class is not so straightfoward, you must include what your
class is used for,how to use it,  and other additionnal info into an INFO or README 
file posted with the class.Having a GNU licence or not isn t a problem.

You can submit your work either by ftp in the pub/submission directory or
by mail (to me) to: phil@\[\]

Because this is the first server in france dedicated to the NeXT, and because
*alot* of programmers begins to work on the NeXT, you will find in the near
future, few French products...:)

But i need you re help...to succeed in this action of having a dedicated server.so please, feed it feed it FEED IT !!!

All files must not be in a NeXT mail format since this server is a Sony News Workstation.  (files which are sent by ftp should be tar-ed and compressed).

I hope you will enjoy the capabilities of this server, and all suggestions are 


PS: a "Index" or "Readme" file (will) describe the containt of the dir where it is in.
forgive my english ! :)