[comp.sys.next] Next and Multimedia Applications??

dsampson@x102a.harris-atd.com (sampson david 58163) (12/17/90)

I need to create a multimedia application that combines a hypertext
environment with audio and video (both static images and video camera
output).  My background is in the MSDOS/MSWINDOWS world, and I've
concluded that it would be too hard to create something like this with
the available tools (or lack of, to be more precise).

So I've started looking at other platforms.  The Mac IIci with
SuperCard, a 19" very high resolution display and 24 bit color video
board, and a Multimedia plug in board will possibly provide everything
I need.  But before settling in on a Mac, I want to investigate the
capability in the NeXT machine.

The Dec issue of MAC WORLD has an article comparing the NeXT to the
IIci, and their conclusion is that the NeXT offers better video
quality, greater speed, and (overall) better performance.  However,
they didn't touch on the Multimedia capabilties of either machine.

The cost of the full up Mac system (list) will be around $16K
(ouch!!!).  With the NeXT color monitor and the new high resolution
color video card (24 bit I believe) the NeXT cost would be somewhere
between $10-15K (no academic discount).  This assumes that I can use a
NeXT station with an external drive and not have to go over to a NeXT
cube.  Hummmm.... Does the NeXTstation accomodate the new plug in
color card?  That 2 1/2" high chassis looks pretty small.

I know that SuperCard lets you write Hypertext type applications and
facilitates controlling external equipment like CD ROMS and
integrating the external equipment's output into the application.  The
MultiMedia board that I looked at (I've forgottem who makes it)
interfaces with a VCR, laser disk, or you can plug a VCR camera
directly into a port and the card digitizes the image.  The card
vendor provides all the software (and hooks) needed to edit and
manipulate still pictures or video and integrate it into Supercard for

Since I'm pig ignorant of the NeXTstation (don't own one, never seen
one, don't even have a dealer in my area, I did see the fancy 15 page
brochure that Jobs put out recently), can someone fill me in on the
Multimedia capabilities of the machine.

I know that alot of you get your machines through your universities.
For non-affiliated types like me, is there a mail order route or do I
have to locate a dealer and dicker?  I assume NeXT would want list
price if I dealt directly with them.  BTW, what are the academic
prices now days?




                                          A new world record
                                          in the javalin throw
    /                                          /
   /                                          I

David Sampson                                         Harris Corporation
dsampson@x102a.ess.harris.com                   Gov't Aerospace Systems Divison
uunet!x102a!dsampson                                  Melbourne, Florida


mikel@Apple.COM (Mikel Evins) (12/18/90)

In article <DSAMPSON.90Dec16122309@x102a.harris-atd.com> dsampson@x102a.harris-atd.com (sampson david 58163) writes:
>Does the NeXTstation accomodate the new plug in
>color card?  That 2 1/2" high chassis looks pretty small.

The NeXTStation provides no capacity for expansion (except that you
can choose a higher capacity internal disk than the base model). If
you want color, you must buy the NeXTStation Color (retail
$7995 with monitor) or the NeXTCube with NeXTDimension video
board (approximately $14,000 with monitor). If you want to do
video, then you need the cube.

>I know that SuperCard lets you write Hypertext type applications and
>facilitates controlling external equipment like CD ROMS and
>integrating the external equipment's output into the application.  The
>MultiMedia board that I looked at (I've forgottem who makes it)
>interfaces with a VCR, laser disk, or you can plug a VCR camera
>directly into a port and the card digitizes the image.  The card
>vendor provides all the software (and hooks) needed to edit and
>manipulate still pictures or video and integrate it into Supercard for

The NeXTDimension board accepts video input; just plug into the
back of the cube. There is a JPEG compression chip right on the

>Since I'm pig ignorant of the NeXTstation (don't own one, never seen
>one, don't even have a dealer in my area, I did see the fancy 15 page
>brochure that Jobs put out recently), can someone fill me in on the
>Multimedia capabilities of the machine.

The machine, particularly with the NeXTDimension board, is nice
for video work. There is little software to exploit its capabilities,
but one can hope that you will do something to alleviate that situation.