[comp.sys.next] converting word files

mwu@TERI.BIO.UCI.EDU (Matt Wu) (12/15/90)

Does anyone know how to open up several .rtf documents with 
WriteNow without having to go through its Open command? It 
would be very nice if I could select all the files at once in 
the File Viewer and tell them to go to WriteNow instead of 
Edit. I tried typing "WriteNow <first part of file>*", but 
that did not seem to work. Apparently, WriteNow cannot be run 
(at least that way) through the shell.

Also (I don't know if this is a NeXT problem, an Apple File 
Exchange problem, a DOS problem or what) but for some reason 
my accents are not coming out correctly (what's worse is that 
accent grave and egu over characters are treated as if they 
didn't exist, so I can't even do a search and replace). Also, 
quotes do not seem to be coming out correctly. Does anyone 
know of a way accurately translate files from a Macintosh to 
a NeXT? With hundreds of files to move, I'm really not 
looking forward to searching for all diacritical marks and 
quotes, replacing them, saving in RTF, moving them to a DOS 
disk, moving them to the NeXT and then opening them up 
individually with WriteNow.

Any help would be appreciated.

Matt Wu

declan@remus.rutgers.edu (Declan McCullagh/LZ) (12/16/90)

In article <9012150619.AA05913@teri.bio.uci.edu>, mwu@TERI.BIO.UCI.EDU (Matt Wu) writes:
> Does anyone know how to open up several .rtf documents with 
> WriteNow without having to go through its Open command? It 
> would be very nice if I could select all the files at once in 
> the File Viewer and tell them to go to WriteNow instead of 
> Edit.

Use 'open -a WriteNow foo.rtf'.  WriteNow will convert it to RTF (much
faster in 2.0), and open an UNTITLED window with your document inside.

Declan McCullagh
Independent NeXT Developer

glenn@heaven.woodside.ca.us (Glenn Reid) (12/18/90)

In article <9012150619.AA05913@teri.bio.uci.edu> mwu@TERI.BIO.UCI.EDU (Matt Wu) writes:
>Does anyone know how to open up several .rtf documents with 
>WriteNow without having to go through its Open command? It 
>would be very nice if I could select all the files at once in 
>the File Viewer and tell them to go to WriteNow instead of 
>Edit. I tried typing "WriteNow <first part of file>*", but 
>that did not seem to work. Apparently, WriteNow cannot be run 
>(at least that way) through the shell.

This will work:

	open -a WriteNow *.rtf

>Also (I don't know if this is a NeXT problem, an Apple File 
>Exchange problem, a DOS problem or what) but for some reason 
>my accents are not coming out correctly (what's worse is that 
>accent grave and egu over characters are treated as if they 
>didn't exist, so I can't even do a search and replace). Also, 
>quotes do not seem to be coming out correctly.

The NeXT keyboard mapping is different than the Mac keyboard
mapping, and Apple File Exchange will likely not touch these

If you're at all a UNIX hacker, look into the "tr" program,
although it's a bit incomprehensible if you've never used it.
Or somebody could write a little filter program....

 Glenn Reid				RightBrain Software
 glenn@heaven.woodside.ca.us		PostScript/NeXT developers
 ..{adobe,next}!heaven!glenn		415-851-1785