[comp.sys.next] vertical retrace pulse

pts@mendel.acc.Virginia.EDU (Paul T. Shannon) (12/21/90)

In my continuing quest to do precisely timed animation on the NeXT, for
psychophysical experiments, I'm now trying to find the best way (or indeed, 
any way) to observe the vertical retrace pulse sent to the video device.  
If I can detect these pulses, then I can refresh the screen during the 
retrace, and achieve some simple animation without any image shear.  
(For any comp.sys.next readers appalled by this strategy, please write 
me email, and I'll explain why I'm doing this: we had a lot of 
discussion on the topic about a month ago, and I think I persuaded most 
that my reasons were sufficient.)

What follows is an excerpt from nextdev/video.h and a 
short function I adapted from William Lewis to get the address of video ram.  
With this as background, I then ask for help.  All speculation, hints, 
rumors, program fragments or advice is welcome.

            --------------  from video.h --------------

#define	NPPB		4		/* # pixels per byte */
#define	VIDEO_W		1120
#define	VIDEO_MW	1152
#define	VIDEO_H		832
#define	VIDEO_MH	910
#define	VIDEO_NBPL	(VIDEO_MW >> 2)
#define	WHITE		0x00000000
#define	LT_GRAY		0x55555555
#define	DK_GRAY		0xaaaaaaaa
#define	BLACK		0xffffffff
#define	RETRACE_START	0x00
#define	RETRACE_LIMIT	0xea		/* limit reg value to int @ retrace */
#define	RETRACE_MAX	0xfc
#define	CONTINUE_ANIM	0x12345678	/* continue animation (if any) */
#define	DKIOCGADDR	_IOWR('v', 0, int)	/* get address of video mem */
#define	DKIOCSMWF	_IOWR('v', 1, struct mwf) /* set mwf bounds */
#define	DKIOCBRIGHT	_IOWR('v', 2, int)	/* get/set brightness */
#define	DKIOCDISABLE	_IO('v', 3)		/* disable translation */
#define	DKIOCGNVRAM	_IOR('v', 4, struct nvram_info) /* get NVRAM */
#define	DKIOCSNVRAM	_IOW('v', 4, struct nvram_info) /* set NVRAM */

Here's a simple function that gets the address of video ram:
int *getVideoRamAddress (void)
  int *returnValue; 
  int fd;

  fd = open ("/dev/vid0", 0);
  if (fd < 0) 
     fatalError ("opening video device, at %d in %s", __LINE__, __FILE__);

  ioctl (fd, DKIOCGADDR, &returnValue);
  close (fd);

  return (returnValue);

}  /* vidram addr */
So that's the background.  Here's the request:  does anyone know where
I can get documentation for nextdev/video.h?  Where are all of the 
video ioctl calls documented?  How can I catch the vertical retrace pulse?

 - Paul Shannon