[comp.sys.next] Stuck in UPPERCASE MODE using tip?

cbradley@Busl.COM (Chris Bradley) (12/23/90)

In article <7763@umd5.umd.edu> matthews@is-next.umd.edu (Mike Matthews) writes:
>I am at this moment using my NeXTstation (known as lewhoosh.umd.edu) at home,
>using tip to dial into the NeXTcube that I use on campus.

	[stuff about RFI suppressed]
>Now, if only I could figure out why tip put me in all UPPER case there once,
>and it won't let me hit ^X^C to get out of emacs... (I'm using vi now).

This happens to me sometimes when using tip(1C) -- I'll be typing away
and will accidentally enter a [Control]-A instead of a [Shift]-A.

From the man page:

          (char) The input character used to toggle upper case
          mapping mode; abbreviated rc; default value is `^A'."

Hitting another ^A should turn it off, re-enabling upper&lower-case mode.
Chris Bradley			| "Nothing is more certain than incertainties; 
Businessland Advanced Systems	|  Fortune is full of fresh variety:
Dallas, Texas US		|  Constant in nothing but inconstancy."
cbradley@busl.com		|		-- Richard Barnfield 1574-1627