(M T ) (12/23/90)
I'd like to send my NeXT voice mail to other NeXT users, but since I don't have an ethernet connection (only a modem on a standalone system) this is tricky. I'd like to upload it via modem as a file, and have them receive it and place it in their NeXT mailbox. The first problem (in 1.0a) is that after creating a mailing document with voice/graphics, you can't save it anywhere. The only thing to do is mail it to yourself and then quit so that it's in your mailbox. Then you can go your mailbox directory (/Mailboxes/Active.mbox) and make a tar file out of the directory (test_message.attach) which contains the info files corresponding to your test_message. This tar file could be uploaded via modem and then sent (Unix mail) over the net, but when it's received how can it be merged into the existing mailbox and index of the receiving party ? I think the header of the test_message you sent must be appended to the NeXT mbox of the receiver, but that's really messy. Actually I was just thinking, maybe it would be easier to send your message as a FrameMaker file with sound/graphics. Any ideas ... -Mustafa -- "Two days ago I saw a vehicle that'd haul that tanker. You wanna get out of here; you talk to me." Max - The Road Warrior M. Thamer